Declassifying Alan Wake and CONTROL, and the inspirations and ... - Reddit
2021年11月28日 · Among the many listed and others unlisted ways the games are inspired, either coincidentially and not, by the Foundation, one of the most "SCP Fitting" ones besides the …
Alan's Author Page - SCP Foundation
2021年7月9日 · Welcome to my, AlanDaris', author page. Here you'll find a list of my works, some author commentary about them, etc. Including SCPs, both successful and not, my translations …
SCP-5323 - SCP Foundation
2000年6月14日 · SCP-5323 appears to be resistant to the effects of aging, having not changed in appearance since the pertinent Foundation surveillance and retrieval operations began in the …
心灵杀手(2010年Remedy Entertainment开发的动作冒险游戏)_百度百科
2021年10月5日,《心灵杀手 复刻版》(Alan Wake Remastered)登陆PC、PS4、PS5、Xbox One与Xbox Series X|S平台,10月20日登陆Switch平台。 该版本含括原作以及游戏扩展包“信 …
SCP-5781 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-5781 refers to an event that began on November 26th 1999, wherein multiple buildings spontaneously appeared on the coasts of Florida, United States over a 3 day period. …
如何评价游戏《心灵杀手2》 (Alan Wake 2)? - 知乎
Remedy宇宙两个大支线都有很明显的灵感来源,Control灵感来源自以SCP为代表的新怪谈,而Alan Wake系列特别是这部新作很明显从《双峰》(或者更直白一点就是《双峰》S3)中汲取 …
Is Alan Wake as confusing and difficult as Control? : r/AlanWake - Reddit
2023年10月26日 · These are 2 things I really like (Twin Peaks and SCP). I already knew about Control's SCP inspiration but I was not aware of Twin Peaks's relation to these games. Guess …
Alan [Redacted] | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
Alan was originally a normal SCP that was captured and studied. He was picked up in the town of [Redacted], when he was hiding out in a small abandoned house. When he was captured he …
SCP-2987 - 百度百科
SCP-2987-1在阿西莫夫人工智能测试中得到的评级为3级(人类中智力优越者的水平)。从Marshall Carter & Dark有限公司获取的情报可以确认,SCP-2987-1是为与某一超维实体进行交 …
What’s with all the references to Hemingway in AW2? : r/AlanWake - Reddit
Stumbled upon this researching my first playthrough of Alan Wake 1 specifically because the first time Nightingale ever sees AW he calls him Hemingway. He says "Put your hands up …