How to scp from a C program? - Stack Overflow
2013年9月23日 · While you could call scp from the command line using expect or something, you are much better off using a library if at all possible. The general rule when developing is to prefer libraries to system executions whenever possible.
linux - File transfer using SCP and C or C++ - Stack Overflow
2014年12月10日 · Following is my code for transferring file from local machine to another machine using SCP everything is working fine but I when the program executing the "system(exec)" command it is asking for
How do I copy a folder from remote to local using scp?
How do I copy a folder from remote to local host using scp? I use ssh to log in to my server. Then, I would like to copy the remote folder foo to local /home/user/Desktop. How do I achieve this?
How do I SCP a file programmatically using C? - Stack Overflow
2022年6月27日 · What would be the best way to do an scp or sftp copy in a Unix environment using C? I'm interested in knowing the best library to use and an example if at all possible. I'm working on a Solaris ser...
could not resolve hostname with scp - Stack Overflow
2014年2月2日 · I am accessing an ubuntu server over ssh with putty on my windows machine and trying to download a single file to my local windows machine my windows username is Mark and my hostname per cmd is Ma...
.net - Library to do SCP for C# - Stack Overflow
Is there a library that provides the ability to do SCP transfers in C#?
Copying a local file from Windows to a remote server using scp
Using the stock 'scp' from a recent Windows Server 2022 version I was able to use the command from this answer above, but with using a colon in the drive specifier, as the first path segment on the target Windows machine: scp some_file user@host:/C:/TEMP
scp files from local to remote machine error: no such file or directory
I want to be able to transfer a directory and all its files from my local machine to my remote one. I dont use SCP much so I am a bit confused. I am connected to my remote machine via ssh and I ty...
SCP functionality in C. library list: libCurl, libssh or libssh2
2012年2月8日 · EDIT I had a problem a while ago writing a program in C which utilizes scp to transfer and download files to a server. The program had to be written for windows. Initially I attempted to use the l...
ubuntu - SCP command not working - need to copy file from …
2014年8月20日 · That was actually my problem. SCP seems to take everything before the ":" as a hostname instead of the windows drive letter. I did just started CMD from the target folder and instead of defining the local folder I just typed "." for the current folder.