SCP-247 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月2日 · Description: SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an …
SCP-247 - SCP基金会
项目编号:SCP-247 项目等级:Euclid 特殊收容措施:SCP-247被关在一个至少20m x 40m的围栏内,此围栏按照[已编辑]动物园提供的方案进行装修、 围以SCP-148 并和 号地点保持至少50 …
SCP-247 - 百度百科
scp-247「无害小猫」是网络共笔科幻怪谈系列《scp基金会》中的异常项目,其为一只雌性孟加拉虎,由于它的模因效应与它发出的精神辐射,它在任何观察者眼中,看起来都是一只无害的小 …
SCP-247 - A Harmless Kitten (SCP Animation) - YouTube
SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an orange-and-black striped coat...
scp-247「無害小貓」是網路共筆科幻怪談系列《scp基金會》中的異常項目,其為一隻雌性孟加拉虎,由於它的模因效應與它發出的精神輻射,它在任何觀察者眼中,看起來都是一隻無害的小 …
SCP-247 - The Codex
SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an orange-and-black striped coat …
scp:hubs:en:database:series-i:scp-247 - The Ring of Wonder
2025年3月16日 · 看起来似乎从某种“混合活力”中受益了的【数据已删除】,被标号为SCP-247-1。考虑到SCP-247可能在野生环境下进行自然繁殖,授权成立移动特遣队Iota-5 (代号“虎饵”)并 …
SCP-247 - NamuWiki
2025年1月28日 · SCP-247 appears to be an ordinary domestic cat with tiger markings, but its appearance is intended to fool observers and is actually an adult female Bengal tiger. 247's …
SCP-247 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-247's form is an adult Bengal tiger that produces an illusion that causes subjects to see it as a small striped house-kitten. SCP-247 accepts petting for 10 minutes, …
SCP-247 | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino - Amino Apps
2018年5月4日 · Description: SCP-247 is a Bengal tiger (Panthera tigris tigris; adult female) which, to all observers, appears to be a harmless cat (Felis catus; juvenile female) with an orange …