SCP: Lockdown v2.2 - Minecraft Forum
2020年3月7日 · The item in the centre of the below recipe is an ingot of SCP-148, Telekill Alloy. This metal will appear underground as a rare ore. 4. Locate the recipe for and craft the Document Crafter. Like the Data Bank, this block is essential for Lockdown's main functionality. 5. Using SCP-000-J for a final time, craft the respective token of your ...
SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation - WIP Mods - Minecraft Forum
2015年8月24日 · SCP-427 - Lovecraftians' Locket, heals you on RightClick, has recharge cycle. SCP-458 - Infinity Box Piece of Pizza, can be eaten countless times. SCP-209 - Infinity Flask, can pour out endless ammount of water. SCP-068 - 'The World's Best TothBrush [sic]', it is a MULTITOOL o_O. SCP-500 - Cures all vanilla Debuffs and gives you some positive ones.
SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation - WIP Mods - Minecraft Forum
2016年11月30日 · UCHI scprein{0.1} [SCP-Craft 2: Reincarnation] (SCPCraft 2 - Reincarnation v0.2.jar) This is caused by duplication of some entity's ID. And it isn't fault of my mod (as you see, Error-marked mods are Flan's and AvP).
SCP - Area 96 [1.4.2] [V1.1.1] - Minecraft Forum
2012年12月19日 · This is a map for the Minecraft Mod Secure Craft Protect V1.1.1.This map is based on the Base that the foundation has in [REDACTED] in which the foundation works on cloning the SCP that are located in other facilities.
2013年4月4日 · SCP CRAFT MAP No. 2 'CONTAINMENT CRAFT' #1 Oct 8, 2012. VECTORS1819. VECTORS1819. View User Profile View ...
SCP Foundation Map - Maps - Mapping and Modding: Java …
2019年4月24日 · As well a ton of SCP's for you to discover. This map is not a exact replica of the SCP Containment breach game but it is very similar. I am using a texture pack its Secure Containment Pack By ItsJustPRO and I'm using two mods SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation and SCP - Containment Breach Mod.
SCP-294: The Coffee Machine mod - Minecraft Forum
2014年7月5日 · I know there's a SCP Craft mod, but I want a mod that focuses on the Coffee Machine. I was thinking maybe making it spawn in a 5 x 5 cubical room consisting of iron blocks underground. The machine itself would be in the center of the room and indestructible.
SCP: Lockdown v2.2 - All future updates will be released on …
2019年3月4日 · This is a very cool mod! Well done! I am Russian, so the text is with errors. I hope you do not throw this mod. But I would like to see it in the following updates: 1. Blink indicator. 2. I would like to meet some scp right in the world, for example, the scp 143 and the scp 354 (as it was in the scp craft).
SCP Facility Map (SCPCraft) 1.4.6 (ERRORS FIXED READ …
2018年5月5日 · This includes: SCP-372, SCP-173 (obviously), SCP-914, SCP-106 and SCP-079. I did all of those because there was only 5 posters which were for those SCP's. The map is VERY good. Probably one of the most successful SCP Facility/Containment Breach map I've made so far. So yea it is for Minecraft 1.4.6 until the SCP Mod gets updated to 1.5 or 1.6.
SCP Craft 2: Reincarnation - WIP Mods - Minecraft Forum
2018年3月19日 · Introduction: "SCPCraft 2: Reincarnation" is based on the universe of "SCP" Foundation" (Secret federal organization, which is engaged in capturing and supe...