Kain Pathos Crow's Author Page - SCP Foundation
2020年11月29日 · Name: Professor . Codename: "Kain Pathos Crow". Security Clearance Level: Variable. Most recently a Level 4 cleared operative. Facility Location: Bio-Research Area-12. History: Born in 19 in , Kain graduated with honors in biochemistry, advanced robotics, and psychology, in the University of in 19 .
Kain Pathos Crow - 百度百科
Kain Pathos Crow是SCP基金会系列中的角色之一。 少年有成的跨学科研究员,专长于生物化学和机器人学。 身体因某种异常事件被永久性变形为了一只狗。
Kain Pathos Crow的作者主页 - SCP基金会
crow的笔记和“任务列表” 曾为以下scp撰写报告: scp-035 寄生面具; scp-040 进化之子; scp-040-1 宠物椅子; scp-063 “世界上最强大的牙刷” scp-073 “该隐” scp-076 “亚伯” scp-089-arc “小不点恶霸” scp-143 刃木林; scp-154 好斗手镯; scp-158 汲魂器; scp-244-arc “蛋行者” scp ...
访谈偶像 - Kain Pathos Crow篇 - SCP基金会
2021年7月23日 · scp-682“不灭孽蜥”就是早期的海报小子,极度危险和暴力,帮助定下了scp光谱的远端。 我们的恐怖电影大怪兽。 他的“发条”系列则抓住了这光谱的另一头。
Kain Pathos Crow | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Professor (19 -), better known by his SCP Foundation codename of Kain "Pathos" Crow, is a scientist working for the Foundation's Scientific Department. His current form is of a Labrador Retriever due to an experiment gone awry. Currently, Crow works as a chief librarian of the...
Crow的笔记和“任务列表” - SCP基金会
Crow的预处决列表: Dr. Dantensen -用一把勺子。为什么?因为我喜欢勺子。因为他们很圆。就像月亮…… Dr. Bright -用一个能穿透钛的机械假阳具。他会喜欢的。 Dr. Kondraki -放进一桶冒蒸汽的热咖啡里,用那种猫屎做的好咖啡。 备注:你有一整桶,却不愿意给我一杯 ...
SCP Professor Kain Pathos Crow EXPLAINED
Professor Kain Pathos Crow is both an Anomaly and a Researcher. His most notable exploit was when he was turned into a dog.
My Loever, the Dog: The Incredibly True Story of Kain Pathos Crow - SCP …
I’d always heard about Kain Pathos Crow, but I’d neve understood what he really was. He was a dog, but like that, so much a man. We were alone, I his new lab assistant, supposed to be an extra set of hands, or paws.
Digging up the Past - SCP Foundation
2024年4月19日 · Head Researcher: Professor K. P. Crow. Project Aims: To recommission, further upgrade, and utilize SCP-244-ARC for the purpose of allowing Professor K. P. Crow to remain beneficial to the Foundation indefinitely. One pill of SCP-500. Five hundred liters of slime produced by SCP-447 as a biological preservative, disinfectant, and lubricant.
Crow - SCP基金會中文沙盒站
crow 评分: 0 + x . 项目编号 ... 现出现的48个scp-cn-xxxx-a个体(分别标记为scp-cn-xxxx-a-01至scp-cn-xxxx-a-48)已收容于site-cn-09站点13号风险物品储存区。每8天需派遣至少9名具有佛学文化熏陶的神职人员前往朗诵《金刚经》,《般若经》和《法华经》。
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