Epsilon-9 "Fire Eaters" - SCP Database Wiki
MTF ɛ-9 (Epsilon-9), nicknamed "Fire Eaters", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation specializing in the use of incendiary weapons and operating in high-temperature environments.
Mobile Task Forces - SCP Foundation
2025年1月16日 · MTF Epsilon-9 (“Fire Eaters”) Task Force mission: Epsilon-9 specializes in the use of incendiary weaponry and operations in high-temperature environments. Assisting In Containment of Objects:
机动特遣队 - SCP基金会
2024年4月20日 · 机动特遣队Epsilon-9(“Fire Eaters”-噬火者) 特遣队任务: Epsilon-9擅长操作燃烧性武器与应对高温环境。 协助收容的项目:
SCP基金会一 机动特遣队(MTF) - 哔哩哔哩
机动特遣队Epsilon-9(“Fire Eaters”-噬火者) 特遣队任务: Epsilon-9擅长操作燃烧性武器与应对高温环境。 协助收容的项目:
SCP基金会机动特遣队一览 - 哔哩哔哩
一个营级规模的战斗型特遣队被训练应对高侵略性个体,可能包含上百名士兵以及支援人员,车辆,和装备并能整个或部分部署到全球来处理威胁。 尽管如此,并非所有机动特遣队都是战斗型,一个小型的,专业情报搜索或调查特遣队如果被认为(其规模)足够完成他们任务的话,可能还不到十人。 当出外勤时,特遣队成员经常伪装成所在行动区域当地的紧急应变人员,地方或联邦法律部门,或军事人员。 机动特遣队指挥官同时可以向当地外勤单位或驻扎在附近基金会设施的人 …
Epsilon-9 ("Fire Eaters") - SCP: Facility Lockdown Wiki
Epsilon-9 is a task force that specializes in high temperature areas and containing fire-based SCPs. Epsilon-9's role is to neutralize SCP-457. All of them are given Thermal Suits to reduce damage from SCP-457 and Flamethrowers. They will spawn if SCP-457 is alive and if 2 MTF waves have at least spawn.
MTF Epsilon-9 "Fire Eaters" - SCP Facility Lockdown Wiki
MTF Epsilon-9 "Fire Eaters" specializes in dealing with SCP-457, they are equipped with the necessary equipment to stop the threat. They are equipped with Thermal Heat Suits that provide fire resistance. This is useful for dealing with SCP-457 and enemies with Flamethrowers.
SCP-6051 - SCP Foundation
Exploration Team: Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9 "Fire Eater" Target: SCP-6051. Team Lead: EP-9 Daniels. Team Members: EP-9 Walker / EP-9 Pushkin / EP-9 Dallas / EP-9 Rayne. Additional Notes: At the beginning of the log, MTF Epsilon-9 were travelling to SCP-6051's last recorded position. The transport was fitted with a, at the time, prototype ...
SCP : FUSION - Wikidot
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9 specializes in the use of elemental (incendiary and cyrogenic) weaponry and operations in high-temperature environments. Due to their expertise in the aforementioned weaponry, Epsilon-9 has also been entrusted with firefighting duties, and the containment of elemental based SCP Objects.
Mobile Task Forces - Database 42
2025年1月11日 · Alpha-9 handles the training and usage of low-risk sapient and inanimate SCP objects for field operations. Commander: Al Parker. You can find more Alpha-9 operatives at the Alpha-9 "Last Hope" page.