Eve (O5-1) | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Eve (12,017/17,017-) is an ancient Sumerian woman who claimed that she, along with Adam el Asem, led the first agricultural humans out of the Garden of Eden. She eventually became O5-1 in the SCP Foundation, feeling a strong sense of responsibility for her role in guiding early humanity.
Eve.aic - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Eve.aic的每期视频开头都会出现一张一闪而过的SCP-001中的模因触杀媒介图片。 真 awsl SCP基金会中有 D级人员 ,而非单推的粉丝被称为DD,故在相关讨论中诞生出新词汇“DD级人员”。
SCP-4358 - SCP Foundation
SCP-4358-EVE will often use objects stolen by SCP-4358-ADAM to engage in acts of vandalism, including defacing storefronts, driving through mailboxes, and shredding tires. Once sixteen hours have passed, subjects show an inability to recall any events that occurred while under control.
Eve - SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Eve (O5-1) - a Sumerian reality bender who claims to be the wife of Adam el Asem, helping lead their people away from Eden before becoming O5-1 of the SCP Foundation.
现实学——有关休谟与现实扭曲的更多知识 - SCP基金会
一个经验老道的基金会人员想必会听说过以下的术语:Akiva辐射,EVE粒子,休谟指数。 它们是用于描述不同异常的相关指标。 一则简短的用于区分它们的表格如下:
Eve.aic - 百度百科
Eve.aic是7月31日正式出道的一位虚拟Youtuber [1],同时是 SCP基金会 世界观下登场的一位 角色。 她属於SCP基金会,是负责解说SCP文档的AI(更确切地说,是一个人工智能工作员,AIC)。 她是一个心智与人类几乎没有分别的人工智能,作为一个AIC,Eve总是为能与人交流接触而心存感激,并会积极表达自己的谢意。 她的行动一般由她自己自行决定。 SCP-Eve,Eve是Activ8有限公司所营运的虚拟YouTuber支持项目,“upd8”的成员之一。 主要负责为SCP文档制作动画及解 …
Eve - Virtual YouTuber Wiki
SCP-Eve is temporarily granted Level 2 security clearance for it's work. She describes herself as an Artificially Intelligent Conscript (AIC) that belongs to the SCP Foundation. Eve has long white hair and is sometimes depicted with a short ponytail in the back.
Transcript of a lecture given by Professor on Aetheric ... - SCP …
2024年12月15日 · "EVE is the fundamental energy that powers thaumatology. What EVE is, we are still trying to understand. It appears to be somehow linked to the Observer Effect directly. It has been described as 'life energy,' or 'magical particles,' but such terms are gross oversimplifications.
奇术(Thaumaturgy)是网络新怪谈《SCP基金会》系列中的一种设定。 奇术是科学化、系统化甚至一定程度工业化了的魔法,被用来完成普通物理手段无法达到的效果。
Eve | 虛擬Youtuber Wiki | Fandom
Eve(日譯:イヴ,中譯:夏娃)是一位日本女性虛擬Youtuber,為SCP基金會日本支部所屬,於2018年7月31日開始活動。 Eve的自我介紹 外表為白色長髮的少女,自稱為SCP財團日本支部的SCP解說人工智能兼財團職員,番號為SCP-Eve。
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