SCP-098 & SCP-5208 Cross Test - Foundation Test Logs
2021年1月7日 · Lore Name: Cparsons5Rank: Experienced ResearcherSCP: 098 Object Class Euclid & 5208 Object Class Euclid Question / Idea:Will SCP-098 attempt to perform surgery on SCP-5208 as it is a small toy soldier? Will SCP-5208 attempt to interact with SCP-098 somehow or will he go straight to attacking ...
RSM Frog's Scp-008 test with the researcher mass test
2021年7月19日 · RSM Frog's Scp-008 test with the researcher mass test. By a frog July 19, 2021 in Archive. Share
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can scp 173 Be centered in one spot? - Foundation Test Logs ...
2020年12月1日 · lore name: kris RANK:researcher Reason/idea:to see if scp173 can stay in one center spot without moving at all. SCP:scp173 ENTRY LOG. test attempt 1#. Dr.kris:Where is the guard? MA guard:Yes? Dr.kris:Okay can you cuff them then put the rope off they're mouths. and when the door opens put them al...
SCP-714 - SCP Suggestion - Accepted - Accepted - Gaminglight …
2020年3月26日 · Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-174 "The Jade Ring" 2. Link(s) to playermodels: https ...
General Suggestion - SCP-999 tickling SCP-682 - Accepted …
2020年12月26日 · What are you suggesting? - I am suggesting that the rule where, when tickled, SCP-682 has to return to its CC be changed, or at least limited. SCP-999 as it is right now can follow SCP-682 throughout the facility and tickle him periodically to try to recontain him. I think making it limited, like...
Lew's Forums Diplomat Application - Accepted - Gaminglight …
2023年3月20日 · In-Game Name: Lew Steam Name: [GL] Thomas SteamID: STEAM_0:0:104939087 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Senior Mod, SCP RP How often are you online on the forums? I am on every day. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe I am qualified to be...
General Suggestion - A "Bright" Idea - Denied - Denied
2023年7月25日 · What are you suggesting? - Remove Doctor Bright's NLR, allow him to retain information after death (he can still be amnesticized), and lower what is considered FailRP for him due to his lore demeanor and derangement. Doctor Bright is an IRL minge and should be allowed to act as such on the server...
Ellipsis - Gaminglight Forums - GMod Community
2020年10月7日 · Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in... Content titles and body; Content titles only
Sprink's Forum Diplomat Application - Accepted - Gaminglight
2023年6月17日 · In-Game Name: Sprink Steam Name: [GL] Sprinklertek SteamID: STEAM_0:1:433844802 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Senior Moderator, SCP:RP How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community? 4 Years. How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight? Since 5/10/23. How...