Security Clearance Levels - SCP Foundation
Level 1 security clearances are typically granted to personnel working in clerical, logistics, or janitorial positions at facilities with containment capability or otherwise must handle sensitive …
Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide - SCP Foundation
ACS is a new classification system that adds further depth to the already existing Object Class system. It is not intended to replace the current Object Class system. It is only meant to …
SCPs/Classes | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
Traditionally, SCPs are assigned one of multiple different Object Classes (sometimes called Containment Classes), which usually describe the difficulty level of keeping the anomaly …
Niveaux de Sécurité et Accréditations - Fondation SCP
Les classes et niveaux qui hiérarchisent le personnel au sein de la Fondation. La Classe et l'accréditation de sécurité d'un membre du personnel de la Fondation déterminent à quelles …
Security Clearance Levels | SCP Foundation Wiki | Fandom
Foundation security clearances granted to personnel represent the highest level or type of information to which they can be granted access. However, having any given clearance level …
2018年7月24日 · Ce post sert à diriger chacun d'entre vous quand vous faites un soldat. Vous commencez au plus bas, donc soldat de montrez en grade etc. Et c'est aussi un moyen de …
scp人员等级划分 - 百度知道
2023年2月13日 · E级是一个临时编级,外勤特工和收容人员在对一个全新的异常项目,个体或现象进行确保或初次收容时可能暴露于潜在危险效应下时被编级为E级。 E级人员应尽快隔离,监 …
2020年9月1日 · SCP异常的等级划分让大家对于一个SCP有了一个直观且简单的第一印象,给一个异常指定项目等级已经是创作的必要部分,而一个异常SCP的项目等级的划分却不是一个简单 …
Security Levels and Accreditations - The SCP Foundation Wiki
Level 0 access is typically assigned to administrative, logistics, and maintenance personnel working in conditions that do not require access to sensitive information. Level 1 accreditation …
Ranks - Scp
Scp Ranks Rank Information. Foundation security clearances granted to personnel represent the highest level or type of information to which they can be granted access.