Heavy Containment Zone question - Undertow Games Forum
2017年9月28日 · SCP-9341-D wrote: To get to the HCZ, (Heavy Containment Zone) you must find an hallway room in the LCZ (Light Containment Zone) with an keycard door and an sign …
I'm Stuck! Access Code for HCZ? - Undertow Games Forum
2015年6月14日 · I've finished going through the Light Containment area and I'm trying to get into the Heavy Containment Area. I flipped the switch in the surveillance room and my Omni-Card …
[SUGGESTION] List of keycodes for the HCZ blast doors?
2014年6月5日 · In the (wonderfully made) Box of Horrors mod though, thanks to SCP-005, all of those blast doors can be opened, making travelling through the HCZ a bit more easier and …
Why the Heavy Containment Zone is left to the Entrance Zone?
2017年4月18日 · ADMAndrew wrote: It is because the Entrance Zone is for the influential person in the foundation as the doctors, the LCZ is where the tests are carried out with the objects is …
Locations of Keycards? - Undertow Games Forum
2012年11月12日 · I am going to do a "No SCP-914" Run and I need to know the locations of Level 3, 4, and 5 keycards (as we all know where lvl 1 and lvl 2 keycards are). Most …
Ideas for SCP : Containment Breach - Page 2 - Undertow Games …
2018年10月21日 · Re: Ideas for SCP : Containment Breach #11 I got some ideas that may interest you guys ^^ (or not) And it's pretty simple, adding SCP-029 (the shadow girl) and SCP …
Game is really difficult! Tips for Keter? - Undertow Games Forum
2018年1月14日 · 9) Head towards HCZ, HCZ 10) Find 049's containment chamber, go through it's scripted events and exit on the other side with L4 Keycard, 11) Find 106's containment …
Stuck in HCZ with level 1 keycard - Undertow Games Forum
2013年12月3日 · Given that you only have a level 1 card, you may be able to explore the map and find something higher. However, if you can't, you'll need to either load a previous save or start …
SCP Containment Breach ~ Remastered Soundtrack - Undertow …
2012年11月12日 · This is something I started putting together a little under a year ago, with the intention of just compiling all of Containment Breach's music tracks into a single download. …
[Map] SCP Facility - Undertow Games Forum
2014年9月10日 · The current map can be downloaded here (Dropbox Link): https://db.tt/FW7F3cRK This map may be edited and shared alike. If you upload it somewhere …