SCP Style Resource
2024年8月1日 · This is meant to be an ease-of-access, quick 'copy-paste' resource for alternative logs and formats for SCP files, in the same vein as Group-of-Interest Style guides for their individual formats. If you're looking for basic Wikidot formatting, go check out Wiki Syntax .
Flops Header Template - SCP Foundation
A simple header design for the SCP Format, with a level-based Security Clearance modifier and lightweight "Disruption Class" bar. See this page for more information.
Anomaly Classification System (ACS) Guide - SCP Foundation
ACS is a new classification system that adds further depth to the already existing Object Class system. It is not intended to replace the current Object Class system. It is only meant to enhance it.
黑标居中页眉 - SCP基金会
非常推荐与 可折叠侧边栏 或 切换侧边栏 一起使用。 1. 复制以下代码。 2. 粘贴至黑色标记笔及其他版式 include 之后。 [ [include :scp-wiki:component:centered-header-bhl]] SCP基金会“最高 …
iti组件 -参考 - SCP基金会
此组件是受 Sekai_s 在 SCP-CN-1109 中使用的标头格式启发所制作的分类组件。 输入项目编号。 输入项目等级。 设置间隙。 更改组件下面的 分割线 设计。 选择语言,默认为 CN。 更改项 …
模板:Header-SCP - 维基文库,自由的图书馆 - Wikisource
上述文档嵌入自 Template:Header-SCP/doc。 (编辑 | 历史) 编者可以在本模板的沙盒 (创建 | 镜像) 和测试样例 (创建) 页面进行实验。 请在 /doc 子页面中添加分类。 本模板的子页面。
模板:Header-SCP/doc - 维基文库,自由的图书馆
SCP Anomaly Classification Sysem Generator - Fridey
SCP Anomaly Classification Sysem Generator [SCP] ACS Generator v0.1.0. Back to Home My GitHub Join the Discord!
SCP Data API | scp-api
SCP Data API. Welcome to the SCP Data API! This is a static data dump of the SCP Wiki, broken down by article type. The data is crawled and updated on a daily basis. There are two ways to use this data-Downloaded directly from the links below. …
GitHub - mofosyne/SCP-Art-Repo: SCP - Secure Contain Protect …
SCP - Secure Contain Protect Art Resources . E.g. letterheads etc... Style guide... for Official SCP Wiki and SCP Subreddit. Feel free to push a "pull request" to this repository, if you got any common SCP art that can be reused.