SCP-4661 - SCP Foundation
DESCRIPTION: SCP-4661 is a region of space wherein the city of Las Vegas and the Fourth Circle of Hell (as reported in Dante Alighieri's Inferno) overlap. This results in the weakening of, and in certain circumstances, complete separation from baseline reality.
Hell | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Hell is an extradimensional plane of existence within the Abrahamic religions, home to the souls of evil humans and demons and ruled by Satan himself. In reality, Hell is a very complex place that closely resembles the Hell predicted in Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.
SCP-3583 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月22日 · Description: SCP-3583 is a schoolbus which displays multiple anomalous properties, the most evident of which is that it is autonomous. 1 As well, close inspection reveals that it is composed of a wide variety of mismatched …
are there any versions of Heaven and Hell in the SCP ... - Reddit
2020年8月15日 · SCP-3304 deals with Hell freezing over. What makes holy/unholy is the presence of Akiva radiation. Lots of akiva radiation in water makes holy water. There are afterlife’s but not really like heaven and hell. Not sure about heaven, I know that there are at least a couple different takes on hell, or ways to reach it.
SCP-3304 - SCP Foundation
2023年10月14日 · SCP-3304-2 is Earl Raum, the owner, operator, and sole employee of Gehenna Geothermal Energy. SCP-3304-2 is the physical manifestation of a demonic entity. The entity's true form is that of a 3 meter long organism resembling the species Corvus albus. 1 However, SCP-3304-2 prefers to maintain human form under normal circumstances.
HellDoor Project - Главная
30 ИГРОКОВ ОХОТЯТСЯ НА 1 scp │ scp : secret laboratory. 2025-03-18 12:55:44
活地獄 - SCP基金會
在最後一個房間裡還有著另一個斷指聚合體,就如同爆炸開來的大象內臟般覆蓋在房間的內部。 部分的殘肢就如同黴菌一樣到處摸索並爬進了醫藥櫃,而其他的則以嬰兒的形狀攤在醫療用輪床上。 當Wheeler打開房門時,這個團塊對新出現的光線產生敏銳的反應,將自身的一部分舉起並傾向了他。 Wheeler踉蹌地退了回去並及時將門帶上;就在團塊擊中門的另一側時,它發出了沉重且充滿血肉的撞擊聲。 這扇門撐住了。 Wheeler被自己的腳絆倒,並倚靠著牆倒了下來。 那輪床上 …
SCP-3583 Hell Bus - YouTube
2022年5月27日 · SCP 3583 is a self-driving school bus that resists any attempt by a human to sit in the drivers seat. If four or fewer adults are aboard, SCP3583 enters behavior pattern one. In this pattern,...
Is there an scp about hell : r/SCP - Reddit
2019年6月27日 · SCP-3667 is about an interpretation of hell and has a good ending. SCP-3667. SCP 2718 makes hell look like a massage parlour. SCP-2718. the only one i can think of is "what comes after", but it is not a doom-like version of hell. See 231-7 for further information. So there is? Review SCP-231-7 yourself and decide whether there is.
Satan | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
Satan, once known as Lucifer, is a fallen angel and the lord of Hell in Abrahamic religion. Having rebelled against God, Lucifer was cast from Heaven and was deemed to rule forever in Hell. Satan remains active in Hell, though his physical form remains frozen at the Ninth Layer of Hell.
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