What Is Love? - SCP Foundation
2022年5月6日 · “You don’t regret it, do you, my love?” One dainty human hand reached out of the mass of tentacles, hooks, scales and spikes to take his hand. She might not always show him …
SCP-2203 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2203 is a standard "Love Tester" amusement. The amusement is 1.9 m tall and is constructed from American chestnut (Castanea dentata) wood, brass, and glass, with a …
SCP-031 - Villains Wiki
SCP-031, also known as "What is Love?", is an antagonist in the SCP Foundation series. It is a Euclid-class SCP, and is an enigmatic, amorphous blob-like creature that mentally …
SCP-031 - SCP Foundation
2023年1月3日 · SCP-031 was recovered on 10/22/1948, following contradictory police records taken after a riot in the city of [REDACTED], where several civilians had gathered around a …
SCP-031 - 百度百科
scp-031「爱为何物」是网络共笔怪谈文学《 scp基金会 》系列中记录的一种超自然生物。其真实样貌是一团无定形的肉团状怪物,但任何人目视它时都会将它视为曾经最爱的一个人,并试图 …
ai-love - SCP基金会
“油嘴滑舌,年轻时不在意老了后悔的人多了是,到时候你可别指望全靠我养你。 ”她轻声抱怨道。 我笑了笑,往烟灰缸里弹了弹烟灰。 我看向她,而她依然是那么的美丽动人—乌黑的秀发自 …
Any scp love stories? : r/SCP - Reddit
2023年1月2日 · I recently just finished watching darling in the franxx and guilty crown and i am eager to know if there is an scp like this, a story of two lovers bound by fate to fall in love. …
SCP- 031 "what Is Love?" - YouTube
2020年2月14日 · be careful out there this valentine's day.read along- http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-031Lightless Dawn by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Att...
SCP-031 - What is Love? - The SCP Foundation Database
2019年7月12日 · SCP-031 is capable of reproducing human speech in any pitch or tone, although it is not currently known how SCP-031's biology produces them. A subject directly perceiving …
SCP-031 | What Is Love? (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2021年2月4日 · SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying item number SCP-031: What is Love?, Object class: Safe.SCP-031 is an a...