O5-3 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
O5-3 is the third member of the O5 Council, the ruling council of the SCP Foundation. As with other O5 members, O5-3 is an enigmatic figure, who's true identity and appearance are completely unknown to the rest of the Foundation, save for the rest of …
O5 Command Dossier - SCP Foundation
2024年11月2日 · An O5 walks into a room, and everyone pisses their pants. That's what happens when you hold supreme power over one of the scariest organizations in world history. This dossier will show you contradictory reports on each of the O5 Council members.
O5-3实在太烧辣 - SCP基金会
O5指挥部档案 - SCP基金会
每位o5成员都近乎知道基金会的一切及其所有活动。 而在他们内部,他们知道基金会掌握的每个秘密。 大部分基金会人员在整个职业生涯里都见不到他们。
SCP基金会机密档案(O5指挥部档案) - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
o5-9的人格乃是基于scp-963-2。本来是试图复制scp-963——成是成功了。然而这个scp-963-2只能保留o5-9首次身亡前的记忆、经历和人格。 当o5-9被杀死——他已经死了好几次了——他就会被“重置”。在每次死亡后,他都会被告知在第一次死亡后发生的事件。
The Hermit | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
O5-3, nicknamed "The Hermit", is a Russian member of the O5 Council and former leader of the Tsars' Seers. The man who would be known as the Hermit was born around 1821 in Russia. At some point, he joined the Tsars' Seers in the 19th century CE and eventually grew to represent the organization...
O5议会 - 百度百科
o5议会是著名网络共笔文学小说系列《 scp基金会 》笔下的,是13名对基金会拥有最高掌控权的人员组成的机构。 这13名O5议员拥有无上的权力。 他们不会也不能与任何异常实体进行接触。
O5杠一,三十而栗 - SCP基金会
2024年1月25日 · 看着遏火部长离开会议室,离大门最近的O5-12伸手关上门,锁上锁,向O5-3点点头。 这是O5们的惯例,每当部长们的述职报告结束,十二个人就该讨论点不足为外人道的私事了。 O5-3会意地起身,走到白板旁,点开电子屏上的一个网页。 大家注意到这是电子版的《基金会日报》。 那橙色的版头加载出来了。 那基金会标志加载出来了。 那庄严的“收容、控制、保护”加载出来了。 岿阳派舒筋活血丸的广告加载出来了。 然后标题加载出来了——《震惊! 水多 …
O5-3 | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
Hello, this is 05-3 council member Jonuell. If you are seeing this then there is little information about past O3 members. To avoid questioning from other members of the O5 I will add any information I can possibly find about past members but will only add interviews and test logs with myself at later dates.
O5-3 "The Sword" | SCP Evolved Wiki | Fandom
O5-3, nicknamed 'The Sword' is the current standing Overseer of the Mobile Task Forces, and has loyally served the Foundation for quite some time. As overseer of the Mobile Task Forces, O5-3 is the primary individual to listen to while inside Site IOTA, and is one of the 3 mandatory O5's needed to authorize any interactions with SCP-682.
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