Personnel And Character Dossier - SCP Foundation
2025年3月18日 · Dr. Mark Kiryu: Senior researcher and director of an anomalous items processing lab. Upon initial recruitment, had a successful career as a therapist (licensed psychologist). Worked extensively with SCP-1457 in his first years with the Foundation but doesn't talk about that, and has spearheaded several projects involving sapient SCP entities.
Staff Titles | SCP-Readings Wiki | Fandom
These are general occupational titles that are typically used in the Foundation. These are the SCP Site-Staffs below. Containment specialists have two main roles at Foundation facilities.
List of SCP Foundation staff - SCPOneCanonProject Wiki
in: List of SCP Foundation staff, Class D, Chaos insurgency (scp facility raiders)
Meet The Staff - SCP Foundation
2024年4月11日 · Here's a small dossier to help show who the senior staff are. If you have an issue for staff to address, please refer to the Contact Staff page. aismallard: Programmer, …
SCP Foundation - Wikipedia
Within the project's shared fictional universe, the SCP Foundation is a secret organization that is responsible for capturing, containing, and studying various paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious phenomena (known as "anomalies" or "SCPs" [note 3]), while also keeping their existence hidden from the rest of society.
Mobile Task Forces - SCP Foundation
2025年1月16日 · Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units composed of personnel drawn from across the Foundation and are mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that sometimes exceed the operational capacity or expertise of regular field personnel and — as their name suggests — may be relocated between facilities or locations as they are needed.
Foundation Personnel | SCP Foundation Archives Wiki | Fandom
Classifications are assigned to personnel based on their proximity to potentially dangerous anomalous objects, entities, or phenomena. Class A personnel are those deemed essential to Foundation strategic operations and are not allowed direct …
SCP Occupations | Wiki | SCP Foundation Amino
The SCP Foundation is primarily made up of military and occupational specialists. There are many occupations within the SCP Foundation, many of you might not know all of them. Here, you'll find the list of canon jobs and occupational fields that are within the foundation, as well as the links to where the information was found.
Characters/Foundation personnel - SCP Foundation Wikia
These characters all work for the SCP Foundation in one way or another; whether as salaried employees, willing or reluctant volunteers, or slaves forced into serving them. Below is a list of all such personnel that we know of. See Alleged individuals who held O5 …
Characters | SCP Foundation Wikia | Fandom
This is an index page for lists of individual characters from the SCP Universe. This includes characters from the SCP Wiki, along with various mulitmedia adaptations.