SCP-070 - SCP Foundation
SCP-070 is to be given sedatives and painkillers on request, but no more than maximum dosages determined by Dr. Dumount. Personnel who enter SCP-070’s containment room for any …
SCP-070 - SCP基金会
采访显示scp-070名为 ,能够正确背诵相同名字和年龄的美国公民的社会保险号。scp-070声称是凯欧瓦族和[数据刪除]的一员。scp-070声称不知道“翅膀”是怎么来的,只记得在前一天晚上吃了 …
2024年7月3日 · 简单来说,scp-070是一个背上长了一双金属翅膀的男人,这对翅膀上有很多链条和铆钉,可以用作攻击和防御,但是似乎scp-070并不能控制它,也无法利用这对翅膀飞翔, …
SCP-070-FR-J - SCP基金会
2024年8月12日 · Holt博士推测SCP-070-FR是NORMIE(排斥新事物、模因回避和信息过剩Neo-Ostracised,Rejecting Memes and Information Excess)个体,这可以解释他无法以正常的速度 …
SCP-070 - Iron Wings - The SCP Foundation Database
2020年2月20日 · Description: SCP-070 appears to be a human male of Native American descent, with a normal appearance save for a pair of rusty metal “wings” emerging from his back. Each …
scp-070-钢翼 - 哔哩哔哩
描述:SCP-070看上去是一个印第安血统的人类男性,有着普通的外表——除了他后背伸出来的一对生锈的金属“翅膀”。 每个翅膀由扁平金属条组成,金属条大约6厘米宽,用旋转柳钉首尾相 …
SCP-070 - 나무위키
2023年12月25日 · 격리실에 심각한 피해가 발생 시, scp-070은 예비 격리실로 이동한다. SCP-070에게는 요청 시 진정제와 진통제를 제공하지만 드몬드 박사가 정한 최대 투여양을 넘기지 …
SCP-070 | SCP Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-070 appears to be a human male of Native American descent, with a normal appearance save for a pair of rusty metal “wings” emerging from his back. Each wing is …
SCP-070 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
Description: SCP-070 is a humanoid of Native American descent. SCP-070 appears to be fully human with no signs of abnormal durability, or special ability aside from pair of rusty metal …
Description: SCP-070-1 entities are very similar in appearance with an obese gray cat, though they show incredible athletic ability, rapid speeds (upwards of mph) and high endurance. SCP …
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