SCP-125 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月2日 · Description: SCP-125 is an apparently sentient "being" that can only exist within reflections. At rest and viewed up front, it takes the form of a black circle 17.2mm in diameter …
SCP-125 - SCP基金会
scp-125可以在其目前存在的表面上移动。这种移动只能发生在一个没有被角度(表面必须遵循合理的连续曲线)或非反射区隔断的表面上。scp-125已经被证明无法穿越平面上的刮划,磨砂 …
SCP-125-FR - SCP International
Description: SCP-125-FR is a British Mark IV tank (male) dated June 1917 and serial number 9601024. It measures 8m long, 4m wide, 2.46 m high and weighs twenty-eight (28) tons. Its …
SCP收容物列表 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
scp-200~299. scp-200 - 人茧; scp-201 - 空之境界; scp-202 - 倒带人; scp-203 - 受拷打的钢铁灵魂; scp-204 - 守护者; scp-205 - 幽影之灯; scp-206 - 火星探测车; scp-207 - 一箱可乐; scp-208 - “贝 …
SCP-125-DE - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Description: SCP-125-DE designates a humanoid entity, currently located in a large cavern beneath Burgberg in the Kyffhäuser 1. This cavern is part of a tunnel system, …
SCP-125 - Contagious Reflection/传染性反射
scp-125可以在其目前存在的表面上移动。这种移动只能发生在一个没有被角度(表面必须遵循合理的连续曲线)或非反射区隔断的表面上。scp-125已经被证明无法穿越平面上的刮划,磨砂 …
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the …
SCP-125 - Contagious Reflection - The SCP Foundation Database
2024年4月11日 · SCP-125 is capable of movement across the surface it currently exists on. This movement may only occur across a surface uninterrupted by either an angle (the surface must …
SCP-125 - NamuWiki
2023年9月4日 · SCP-125 is a unique 'entity' that can only exist on a reflector. It always maintains a perfect circle and cannot pass through places without light and shadow or some obstacles. It …
SCP-125 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
2012年8月23日 · Item #: SCP-125. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: Organism is held in a specially constructed refrigerated containment facility based in …
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