SCP-143 - SCP Foundation
2023年7月31日 · Item #: SCP-143. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-143 is to be contained in the valley adjacent to Bio-Research Area-12, an area over 2 km². Area surrounding SCP-143 for up to 20 km, and all lines of sight from the surrounding hilltops, are to be denied public access.
SCP-143 | SCP Database Wiki | Fandom
The Bladewood tree, classified as SCP-143 ("Bladewood Grove"), is a species of Prunus x yedoensis (Japanese sakura) with extremely sharp and highly durable wood and petals.
SCP-143 - SCP Foundation Database - Wikidot
Description: SCP-143 is a plantation of 300 specimens of a unique type of tree. The trees are similar in appearance to Prunus x yedoensis (Japanese Sakura), or cherry blossoms. They bear no fruit, and the only known way of reproduction is by careful "own root" propagation using cut saplings from an older sample.
SCP-143 - The Bladewood Grove | The SCP Foundation Database
2024年11月18日 · Item #: SCP-143. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-143 is to be contained in the valley adjacent to Bio-Research Area-12, an area over 2 km². Area surrounding SCP-143 for up to 20 km, and all lines of sight from the surrounding hilltops, are to be denied public access.
Description: SCP-143 is a plantation of 300 specimens of a unique type of tree. The trees are similar in appearance to Prunus x yedoensis (Japanese Sakura), or cherry blossoms. They bear no fruit, and the only known way of reproduction is by careful "own root" propagation using cut saplings from an older sample.
SCP-143 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-143 is a species of cherry blossom tree with sharp, glass-like petals. Their wood makes splendid armor.
SCP-143 | SCP Mod Wiki | Fandom
SCP-143 is a tree with red leaves. IDK how to craft the leaves; SCP-143 can be used like any tree, however the tools made out of SCP-143 are extremely powerful and very hard to break. SCP-143's leaves will hurt everything that touch them. SCP-143 takes diamonds value class.
SCP-143 - Роща клинковых деревьев - SCP Foundation
Протокол экспериментов SCP-143). Описание: SCP-143 представляет собой плантацию из 300 деревьев уникальной породы. Эти деревья по виду похожи на Prunus x yedoensis (японская сакура).
143 - SCP Foundation
The SCP-143's main body is composed of mostly red blood cells, with a lighter yellow complexion on the head, hands, and feet. SCP-143 shows no signs of aging other than the occasional discoloration of blood due to exposure to air.
SCP-143 - 나무위키
2024年5月29日 · SCP-143은 300그루의 특이한 종류의 나무로 이뤄진 조림지이다. 이 나무들은 왕벚나무 와 비슷한 외관을 가지고 있으며 열매를 맺지 않는다. 번식은 주로 "자근 (自根)" 번식 [1] 으로 이루어지며, 꽃잎과 나무는 매우 단단하면서도 탄력이 있으며 높은 온도에서도 견딜 수 있다. 특히 꽃잎은 매우 날카롭기 때문에 취급을 잘못하면 자상 을 입을 수 있다. 나무와 꽃잎은 가공이 …