SCP-2337 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-2337 is a male corn crake 2. It is sapient, sentient, and capable of speech. All of its vocalizations are extremely loud, with a minimum observed volume of 90 dB and a …
SCP-2337 - 「斯潘科博士」 - SCP基金會
自2014年5月12日起,建議所有職員不要在scp-2337面前模仿牠的說話模式,並且應當記得scp-2337了解某種程度的人類英語。 描述: SCP-2337是一隻雄性長腳秧雞 2 。
SCP-2337 - SCP基金会
2014年12月5日 · 在收容过程中,scp-2337貌似对基金会人员做出敌意行为,发出极响的噪声并导致三名特工的耳膜破裂。 在之后的研究中发现SCP-2337只是在打招呼而已。 附录: 自 …
SCP-2337 "Dr.Spanko“/Spanko博士 - longluntan
描述: SCP-2337 是一只雄性长脚秧鸡 2。 项目有智力,认知能力和语言能力。 所有项目发出的声音都十分响,最低达 90 分贝,最高可达【删除】。 虽然这会对人员的听力造成损坏, …
SCP-2337 - SCP Explained
Item #: SCP-2337. Object Class: Euclid. Laconic Containment Procedures: SCP-2337 is kept in a soundproof avian cell. Laconic Description: SCP-2337 is a talking Corn Crake named "Dr. …
Description: SCP-2337 is a male corn crake 2. It is sapient, sentient, and capable of speech. All of its vocalizations are extremely loud, with a minimum observed volume of 90 dB and a …
SCP-2337 | Alt Battles Wiki | Fandom
SCP-2337 is a male corn crake that is sentient, sapient, and capable of speech. All of its vocalizations are extremely loud, with a minimum observed volume of 90 dB, however SCP …
An Interview with SCP-2337 ("Dr. Spanko") - YouTube
http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-2337 SCP-2337 is a male corn crake. It is sapient, sentient, and capable of speech. All of its vocalizations are extremely loud, with a minimum observed …
SCP-2337 - SCP財団
アイテム番号: SCP-2337. オブジェクトクラス: Euclid. 特別収容プロトコル: SCP-2337は防音機構を持つ標準鳥類生育室に収容されます。職員はSCP-2337を取り扱う間レベル 3B 5A 7A …
【SCP基金会】SCP-2000~SCP-2999(搬运自官网) - 哔哩哔哩
SCP-2336 - 那个单词; SCP-2337 - “Spanko博士” SCP-2338 - 一个不同寻常的收养; SCP-2339 - 野蜂交响乐团; SCP-2340 - 思乡岭; SCP-2341 - 欢迎回家; SCP-2342 - 调和派不谐教; SCP …