SCP-274 - SCP Foundation
SCP-274-2 possess a hinged operculum that ejects SCP-274 located in their right hand. This operculum looks identical to a normal spray can, and can project SCP-274 in a similar manner. SCP-274-2 will attempt to spray SCP-274 into the eyes and mouth of its victims in an attempt to incapacitate and encapsulate them.
SCP-274 - SCP Foundation
SCP-274-2 are able to duplicate themselves while inside an instance of SCP-274-1, and will produce one new SCP-274-2 every 24 hours. Once twelve SCP-274-2 specimens reside inside one SCP-274-1, further cases of SCP-274-2 will leave SCP-274-1 and find a new building to spray with SCP-274, while avoiding any people they may encounter.
SCP-PL-274 - SCP Foundation
Item #: SCP-PL-274 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All documentation on SCP-PL-274 should be retained in the form of messages sent SCP-711, so Foundation scientists may be informed of the continuous time loop in order to find a way to contain or neutralize the anomaly soon after the message is received in the past and the loop begins.
Project Isorropía - SCP Foundation
SCP-247-1 is known to create instances of SCP-247-2, humanoid entities with ability to merge with walls, capture humans to feed SCP-274-1, and spread SCP-274 to nearby abandoned buildings. SCP-1155 has begun to exclusively hunt instances of SCP-247-2. SCP-1155 has been observed to attach itself to SCP-274-1 and attack SCP-247-2 instances when ...
SCP-2764 - SCP Foundation
2023年7月14日 · There is a 'critical zone' which lies approximately 50 kilometers in diameter from SCP-2764. As an individual approaches the bound of this zone from the inside, SCP-2764 will appear to 'blow up,' or grow larger. Outside of this zone, SCP-2764 will begin to shrink as the distance from the edge of the critical zone grows larger.
SCP-294 - SCP Foundation
Addendum [SCP-294f]: After reviewing documentation on SCP-294, suggested testing SCP-294's ability to 'retrieve' specific liquids from a distance. Addendum [SCP-294h]: With the overseeing of O5-[DATA EXPUNGED] "a cup of SCP-075's secretion" was used as input. The product was proven to be the requested liquid and the cup was able to successfully ...
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · The SCP Foundation's 'top-secret' archives, declassified for your enjoyment.
SCP-2774 - SCP Foundation
2024年8月27日 · Item #: SCP-2774. Object Class: Keter. Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-2774 are to be destroyed upon recovery. Webcrawler A03G32 has been set to monitor and scan all forms of online visual media for SCP-2774-A and alert recovery teams upon detection. Teams are assigned to monitor Internet and live television for SCP-2774-A.
SCP-978 - SCP Foundation
2021年7月25日 · Special Containment Procedures: SCP-978 is to be kept in security locker H-J-12 at Site 17, and only to be removed or handled by personnel with Level-2 security clearance or higher. Testing parties may request extra film and printing paper at their leisure. SCP-978 is not to be used for blackmail, entertainment, or personal reasons.
SCP-275 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月1日 · Item #: SCP-275 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Subject is to be contained within two 6 m x 6 m (20 ft x 20 ft) subterranean cells, that is only accessible by a freestanding overhead elevator, although she is allowed short term access to the communal facilities contingent on good behavior, and is accompanied by no fewer than two operatives, all armed with gas grenades filled ...