SCP-376 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · SCP-376's roots are capable of penetrating underground power lines and patching into them, effectively attaching itself to the local power grid. SCP-376 uses the electricity it obtains as the primary energy to create its food.
SCP-376 - SCP基金会
scp-376发出的光是生物发光,由常见于信号灯的红,绿和黄色组成。 SCP-376能以可预测的频率改变颜色,但是并不知道项目是如何以及为什么这样做。 对SCP-376的延伸观察表明对象有不可控制的生长速率,因此持续的照料和修剪是必须的。
scp-376-信号灯树 - 哔哩哔哩
scp-376发出的光是生物发光,由常见于信号灯的红,绿和黄色组成。 SCP-376能以可预测的频率改变颜色,但是并不知道项目是如何以及为什么这样做。 更多的有关SCP-376的录像表明对象有不可控制的生长速率,因此持续的照料和修剪是必须的。
SCP收容物列表 | SCP基金会中文 Wiki | Fandom
scp-200~299. scp-200 - 人茧; scp-201 - 空之境界; scp-202 - 倒带人; scp-203 - 受拷打的钢铁灵魂; scp-204 - 守护者; scp-205 - 幽影之灯; scp-206 - 火星探测车; scp-207 - 一箱可乐; scp-208 - “贝斯”; scp-209 - 虐待狂的酒杯; scp-210 - 浸没之屋; scp-211 - 纸屋; scp-212 - 改造者; scp-213 - 反物质寄生体; scp-214 - 异血病毒; scp-215 - 拟人 ...
376 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
No bodily fluids are produced by SCP-376; instead, it creates an extremely intense flame that extends from its head. The force of this flame can be used to ignite nearby flammables, including organic matter and inorganic materials, but this effect has no other stimulatory properties. SCP-376 may only create one flame at a time.
SCP-376 | The Traffic Light Tree (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-376: The Traffic Light Tree, Object class: Safe.SCP-37...
SCP-376-DE - SCP Foundation
2024年6月30日 · Item #: SCP-376-DE. Object Class: Euclid. Special Containment Procedures: The premises that SCP-376-DE is located on have been labeled as property of a Foundation front company. They are enclosed by a wall equipped with cameras that is being monitored by on-site security staff at regular intervals.
SCP-376 - Fondation SCP
Les racines de SCP-376 sont capables de pénétrer les sources d'électricité souterraines et se raccommoder dans elles, s'attachant effectivement au réseau d'électricité. SCP-376 utilise l'électricité obtenue comme énergie primaire pour créer de la nourriture, plutôt que le soleil.
SCP-376 - Tổ Chức SCP - Wikidot
Mô tả: SCP-376 dường như là một đèn giao thông dị thường với nhiều thành phần khác được gán vào, nhìn giống như một cái cây hơn là đèn giao thông. Tuy nhiên, SCP-376 không phải là nhân tạo, nó là một sinh thể tự nhiên. Hiện tại chưa biết bằng cách nào hay tại sao SCP-376 có khả năng bắt chước đèn giao thông.
SCP Series - SCP Foundation
2025年1月19日 · Foundation Universe Hub - For information on Sites, Mobile Task Forces, Departments, and more. Audio Adaptations - Links to audio read-outs of various articles on the site. SCP Series 1 - Tales Edition - Tales associated with SCPs of this Series. SCP-031 - What is Love? SCP-122 - no more monstɘrs. SCP-161 - Pinwheel of Doom!
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