SCP-865 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-865 is a handgun of unknown make, superficially similar to a SIG Sauer P226 of the type manufactured after 1996, and bearing no identifying marks. SCP-865 can be …
SCP-865 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
2009年7月16日 · Description: SCP-865 is a shower head of unspecified make and design that has the property of attracting all water within 2.73m when active. It is constructed of white plastic …
SCP-865 | The Gentleman's Lash (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2022年11月30日 · scp-865... SCP Orientation is an archive of files of the SCP Foundation.Today we will be studying Item number SCP-865: The Gentleman's Lash, Object class: Safe.
SCP-865 | Foundation Wiki | Fandom
Description: SCP-865 is a handgun of unknown make, superficially similar to a SIG Sauer P226 of the type manufactured after 1996, and bearing no identifying marks. SCP-865 can be …
SCP-865 - SCP Explained - Wikidot
Laconic Description: SCP-865 is a handgun with circuits attached to its grip. When the trigger is pulled while pointed at a person, the shell empties and the person feels like they've been shot, …
SCP-865 - Плеть джентльмена
Описание: SCP-865 - это пистолет неизвестного производителя, внешне сходный с моделями марки SIG-Sauer P226, произведенными после 1996 года. Не несет никакой …
The Gentleman's Lash - SCP-865 [SAFE] (feat. Edge of Night)
The Gentleman's Lash - SCP-865 [SAFE] (feat. Edge of Night) - YouTube. The end result of over 17 years of research and development, the MCD-226-BPD represents the ultimate in non-lethal...
SCP-865 | The Gentleman's Lash - DeviantArt
2024年8月31日 · SCP-865 exhibits sentience and self-awareness, evidenced by its ability to communicate telepathically with individuals within a 10-meter radius. This communication is …
SCP-865 - Computer Generated Foundation - pali6.github.io
Item #: SCP-865. Object Class: Keter. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-865 is not to be permitted access to any other person (except when approved by the Site Director) while in its …
865 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-865 is a storage locker located in an abandoned police station that can only be accessed through a fire escape. Its interior, which resembles that of a typical dentist office, …