SCP-949 - SCP Foundation
Description: SCP-949 is a large amusement park located in the state of which, according to the entrance gate and several documents within the park, is designated 'Wondertainment Land®'. …
SCP-949 - SCP基金会
SCP-949在数个场合中被观测到从其所在位置消失,经常在失踪几日后带着新的设施重新出现。 SCP-949内的设施表现出高度的异常性质,详情参阅设施记录949-1。
SCP-949 Wondertainment Land | object class safe - YouTube
This SCP Foundation wiki reading is about SCP 949 "Wondertainment Land", a large amusement park owned by Dr. wondertainment located in the state of which, according to the entrance …
scp-⑨4⑨-Wondertainment游乐园 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年5月18日 · SCP-949在数个场合中被观测到从其所在位置消失,经常在失踪几日后带着新的设施重新出现。 SCP-949内的设施表现出高度的异常性质,详情参阅Facility Log 949-1。
SCP-CN-949实验记录 - SCP基金会
自SCP-CN-949发现以来,该项目众多个体以及异常性质引起了基金会Gallen & Bellic动力公司加拿大总部的极大兴趣,于是该公司与本分部展开积极合作,展开了一系列实验。
SCP基金會 SCP-949(Wondertainment遊樂園) - 每日頭條
SCP-949在數個場合中被觀測到從其所在位置消失,經常在失蹤幾日後帶著新的設施重新出現。 SCP-949內的設施表現出高度的異常性質,詳情參閱設施記錄 949-1。
SCP-949: Wondertainment Land - YouTube
Follow along with this reading of SCP-949: http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-949Special thanks to Isaac Brady for his voice acting in this video!Music:“The Wrong C...
SCP-949 - Wondertainment Land - longluntan
SCP-949在数个场合中被观测到从其所在位置消失,经常在失踪几日后带着新的设施重新出现。 SCP-949内的设施表现出高度的异常性质,详情参阅Facility Log 949-1。
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949 - SCP Foundation
In this test, female D-class personnel were instructed to approach SCP-949-1, who responded by surrendering its placenta to them, and then offering one of their breasts for nursing. Subjects …