SD11 - DiGiCo
The SD11 shares the same Stealth Digital Processing and floating point Super FPGA technology as its larger flagship consoles, making it the definitive portable mixer for the new generation of musical creativity.
DiGiCo SD11i Digital Mixing Console - Sweetwater
Primed for optimum performance, this 80-input mixer delivers 48kHz/96kHz digital audio for world-class sound with robust digital effects processing across both inputs and outputs. The full-featured SD11i includes a useful VGA display output and ultra-bright LED …
The DiGiCo SD11 is a 48 channel mixing console with 12 physical faders and 1 x 15” LCD high-resolution touchscreen. Using the same Stealth Digital Processing and FPGA technology as its larger flagship consoles, the SD11 is the definitive portable console. DiGiCo SDRange T SDR t o eri io i i o o o o i o o o i Ho o Woi iio o iit tr fomance e
Digico SD11 Digital Mixer & 32ch D-Rack - Reverb
Floor Mount 32 In, 16 Out Stage Box. Reverb has your back if your item is lost, damaged, or doesn't match its description. Simply report any issues within 7 days and we'll help you get a full refund. Learn more about Reverb Buyer Protection.
Digico SD11 Digital Mixing Control Surface - Sonic Circus
With its steel chassis and polycarbonate-overlaid aluminium worksurface enveloping the trademark 15-inch TFT LCD touch screen and 12 touch-sensitive moving faders, the SD11 is the very epitome of strength and agility. The SD11 is compact whilst providing a high channel count: a full 48 input channels at 48kHz or 96kHz.
DiGiCo SD11 是一款配有12 个物理推子和1个15"LCD 高分辨率触摸屏的混音调音台,可处理48个通道。 采用了与大型旗舰产品相同的隐形数字处理和FPGA技术,是便携式调音台的最佳选择。 SD盛大的摇滚乐表演、全球范围内重要的广播节目系列可满足所有的音频需求:无论是世界上最传送、规模宏伟的教堂还是触动人心的剧院演出,SD调音台都可一一应对。 24 / 1 条推杆的可翻页面。 所有推子均可自由分配控制任一通道类型。 调音台最高可处理路输出的全处理矩阵。 所有的处理 …
DiGiCo - SD11 - Dante
The SD11 is the smallest by far of all the DiGiCo consoles, though don’t let that deceive you: this 19-inch rack mount or table top mixer is a very powerful solution that can be incorporated into pretty much any mixing environment; like its bigger brothers, the SD11 is also powered by Stealth Digital Processing and floating point Super FPGA ...
让广场舞更HIGH一点吧——JBL SD-11随身迷你音响
2016年3月30日 · 在林林总总的国内品牌的包围下,发现了一个外形简单、有点小**,品牌又不错的随身迷你音响了,它就是本文的主角——jbl sd-11随身迷你音响 JBL,专业音响领域的领导者,全球最大的专业 扬声器 生产商,一直专业致力去生产高端音响的品牌。
SKD-11 - 百度百科
SKD11是高耐磨韧性通用 冷作模具钢 、高碳高铬 合金工具钢 和 真空脱气精炼钢,钢质纯净,具有 淬透性 好、 淬火 变形量 小的良好 淬硬性。 该钢经 球化退火 软化处理, 可加工性 良好, 碳化物 颗粒细小均匀,无需担心淬火开裂强化元素钼、钒的特殊加入。 SKD11为, 日立 和大同钢厂都有生产,日立产SKD11 商品名 为 SLD (最新改良版称作 SLD-MAGIC),大同钢厂商品名为 DC11。 两者在大陆均有设厂,在业界最为知名,价格也最高。 该钢是一种在国际广泛应用的 空冷 硬 …
【JBL SD-11】报价_参数_图片_论坛_JBL SD-11户外便携音响报价 …
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