Shantui SD22 Specifications & Technical Data (2018-2025)
See detailed specifications and technical data for Shantui SD22 manufactured in 2018 - 2025. Get more in-depth insight with Shantui SD22 specifications on LECTURA Specs.
SD22 -Bulldozer-Shantui Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Shantui’s self-developed drive system has been extensively proven in the market, exhibiting commendable durability. When combined with the dedicated engine, it delivers substantial …
山推SD22标准型推土机 - cehome.com
SD22推土机是TY220推土机的升级换代产品,该产品采用六面体减震驾驶室,外型美观,视野开阔,操作舒适;采用高效增压发动机,具有良好的动力性、可靠性和耐久性;采用改进型液力传动、液压操纵等先进技术,结构先进合理、质量可靠、操纵轻便灵活;采用集中润滑、集中测压、履带自动涨紧等山推专利技术,并可接驳GPS卫星定位服务系统;可选配直倾铲、角铲、U型铲、半U型铲、单齿/三齿松土器、机械绞车等多种工作装置. 山推工程机械股份有限公司前身是成立 …
Shantui SD22F Specifications & Technical Data (2018-2025)
See detailed specifications and technical data for Shantui SD22F manufactured in 2018 - 2025. Get more in-depth insight with Shantui SD22F specifications on LECTURA Specs.
The SD22 is a large horsepower, advanced technology bulldozer with a Cummins 855C engine delivering high torque yet low fuel consumption. An exhaust turbocharger ensures uninterrupted performance at altitudes up to
Shantui Bulldozer Price 220hp SD22 With Ripper
Sd22 220hp Bulldozer With Rear Ripper. Main Parameter. Engine model: Cummins NT855-C280S10. Net power: 162 kW/220HP/1800 rpm. Operating weight: 23.4t. Features. Cummins NT855-C280S10 engine features strong power and high efficiency and energy-saving.
23.4T Bulldozer SHANTUI SD22 - SHANTUI Construction …
SD22 bulldozer is semi-rigid suspended, total hydraulic controlled and hydrnamic driving bulldozer, equipped with new model Cummins engine, three-element torque converter, single lever operation planetary gear transmission. Model: SD22 Bulldozer. Brand Name: SHANTUI. Operating Weight: 23450kg (Standard) Engine Model: WP12/QSNT-C235.
Shantui SD22 specs and technical data - Detailed specifications
All data and technical specs of Shantui SD22 Bulldozers, engine, Dimensions and specifications
SD22W-Bulldozer-Shantui Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Shantui’s self-developed drive system has been extensively proven in the market, exhibiting commendable durability. When combined with the dedicated engine, it delivers substantial traction; The openable side guard offers a spacious area and the reasonable layout of filter elements and hydraulic components facilitate convenient maintenance.
SD22 Engine model: Cummins NT855-C280S10 Rated power: 162 kw (220 HP) Operating weight: 23.4t(straight-tilt blade) BULLDOZER