SDC Platinum Financial Securities Data | LSEG
SDC Platinum, now accessible as an add-on within Workspace, offers the dealmaking community 25+ years of the most comprehensive and unrivalled data in the industry with deals information on everything from M&A to private equity to project finance.
SDC Platinum Data Download - Knowledge Base - Stanford …
To run a search and download results in SDC via LSEG Workspace, follow these steps. You can launch the SDC Platinum application from the LSEG Workspace platform or from the Refinitiv Excel Add-In toolbar. The application itself is identical using either method.
芯片设计进阶之路——SpyGlass CDC流程深入理解(一) - 知乎
SpyGlass CDC tool是一种 Formal Check Methodology工具, 相比写case跑仿真来找CDC问题, 靠SpgGlass能更早,更全,更快的发现CDC问题. 它能够: SpyGlass CDC与静态时序分析相比: SpyGlass CDC与功能仿真相比: 当SOC design涉及的clock domain太多,用到很多第三方IP,及涉及人员水平参差不齐时, 用SpyGlass CDC来做检查来保证RTL质量是十分必要的. 在工程的block-level和SOC 集成的两个不同阶段, 所适用的CDC Goal也是有所不同的. Block-Level关心的是 …
spyglass中的sdc转变为sgdc - CSDN博客
2024年4月3日 · SDC约束是设计项目中的重要约束条件,SpyGlass提供了强大的分析工具,帮助您快速识别和解决SDC约束问题。使用`spyglass –sdc`命令,可以分析设计中的SDC约束。 5. 电压和电源域分析(Analyzing Voltage and Power ...
SDC Platinum 金融证券数据 - LSEG
目前作为 Workspace 的插件提供服务,SDC Platinum 为交易相关方提供超过 25 年的行业数据,内容全面且独到,涵盖从并购、私募股权到项目融资在内的各类信息。
SDC | set_data_check-腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云
set_data_check 是一条SDC 的命令,用于约束『数据-对-数据』的『建立保持』时间检查,通常被称为非时序约束 ( non-sequential constraints ), 理论上set_data_check 可以设在任意的两个data pin 上,其中一个pin 称为 constrained pin 类似于寄存器的data pin, 另一个pin 称为related pin 类似于寄存器的clock pin. 用set_data_check 约束时,-from 指定的pin 为related pin, -to 指定的pin 为constrained pin.
Statistical disclosure control - Wikipedia
Statistical disclosure control (SDC), also known as statistical disclosure limitation (SDL) or disclosure avoidance, is a technique used in data-driven research to ensure no person or organization is identifiable from the results of an analysis of survey or administrative data, or in the release of microdata. The purpose of SDC is to protect ...
SDC Data Solutions
Our state-of-the-art data centers are designed to deliver unparalleled performance, reliability, and scalability. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and advanced security measures, our facilities ensure the highest levels of data protection and uptime for …
Prime Time(PT) sdc : set_data_check详解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
要指定要分析的时钟域,请使用 set_data_check 命令的 -clock clock_name 选项,或禁用除感兴趣的时钟之外的所有时钟。 PrimeTime 可以在任意两个引脚上执行两个数据信号(均未定义为时钟)之间的setup和hold检查。 此功能可用于检查以下类型的时序约束: 握手接口逻辑的约束异步或自定时电路接口的限制对具有不寻常时钟波形的信号进行…
Data Center Services - sdcdata
Our state-of-the-art data centers are designed to deliver unparalleled performance, reliability, and scalability. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and advanced security measures, our facilities ensure the highest levels of data protection and uptime for …