The SDC Process — SDC Practice Guide documentation - Read …
This section presents the SDC process in a step-by-step representation and can be used as guidance for the actual SDC process. It should be noted, however, that jumping between steps …
Statistical disclosure control - Wikipedia
Statistical disclosure control (SDC), also known as statistical disclosure limitation (SDL) or disclosure avoidance, is a technique used in data-driven research to ensure no person or …
SDC with sdcMicro in R: Setting Up Your Data and more — SDC …
The SDC process should be divided into two stages in cases where the data have a household structure. First, the variables on the higher (household) level should be anonymized; …
Statistical Disclosure Control for Microdata: Theory — SDC …
This guide provides and introduction to the theory of Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) for microdata. It includes an overview of the most commonly applied methods in SDC, a step-by …
Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC): An Introduction
SDC is characterized by the trade-off between risk of disclosure and utility of the data for end users. The risk–utility scale extends between two extremes; (i) no data is released (zero risk of …
It should be stressed that SDC is only one part of the data release process, and its application must be considered within the complete data release framework. The level and methods of …
Statistical Disclosure Control (sdcMicro) - IHSN
2018年4月13日 · This guide provides and introduction to the theory of Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC) for microdata. It includes an overview of the most commonly applied methods in …
2021年9月1日 · 常用的SDC 命令按照目标可以分为:Unit, System interface, Design rule, Timing constraint, Timing exceptions, Logic assignments. 具体命令参见下表. 此处不展开写每个命令 …
Practical Guidelines - SpringerLink
2017年5月6日 · In this chapter, we provide some practical guidelines on common questions, such as how to determine key variables and assess levels of risks, and how to select the best SDC …
What is Statistical Disclosure Control? What is a good set of statistical results? Analysts are demanding access to more data about individuals and organisations than ever before.