San Diego Comic Con | Official LEGO® Shop US
Head to the LEGO kids destination for games, activities, videos, and more. Try now! Which LEGO SPACE products are you most excited to see at SDCC? The Avengers vs. The Leviathan.
Every Comic-Con and Event Exclusive LEGO Set - BrickNerd
2024年10月26日 · San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) has been one of the most prolific sources of exclusive LEGO sets over the past twenty years. Starting in 2004, a wide variety of exclusive LEGO sets were sold at San Diego Comic-Con (aka The Nerd Prom). Join BrickNerd as we look back at this unique assortment of sets.
LEGO Heads to SDCC with Two Panels and a Marvel Experience
2024年7月18日 · From two exciting panels to a LEGO Marvel experience, here are the first tastes of LEGO’s presence at SDCC. Make sure to snap them into your schedule if you’re heading to the con or prepare...
Which Sets Is LEGO Showcasing at SDCC 2024? Take a Closer
At SDCC 2024, LEGO will display three sets tied to LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy. First up, it’s LEGO Star Wars Jedi Bob’s Starfighter. A mystery Jedi Knight Minifigure appeared in a...
Here’s a look at LEGO’s SDCC 2023 exclusives and their …
2023年7月22日 · LEGO has traditionally had a pretty decent presence at San Diego Comic Con (SDCC), and this year, they’ve decided to go retro with a Blockbuster Video -themed booth, aptly called LEGO Brickbuster Video!
Blast Off at LEGO's Space Station Bricks Experience at San Diego …
2024年7月24日 · Blast off with a build-your-own LEGO rocket experience, in which attendees can design their own custom rocket using LEGO bricks. Once complete, guests will set their craft into orbit by placing it in front of a special LED screen backdrop — and receive an exclusive embroidered mission patch to commemorate their build.
盘点所有圣地亚哥动漫展独家发售的乐高套装 - 百家号
2023年12月11日 · 2012年sdcc主会场推出了三个限定套装,都封装在圆形金属罐中,分别是《星球大战》中的三款著名战斗机微缩模型。 可能正是受到这三款套装的影响,乐高后续按照此比例推出了许多微型战斗机系列套装。
LEGO SDCC 2024 Exclusives: Embroidered Mission Patches and
2024年7月25日 · LEGO’s exclusive SDCC offerings really hit on the unique spirit it’s bringing to SDCC this year—that of discovery, adventure, and exploration. At LEGO’s booth, you can pick up an exclusive...
欢迎来到乐高世界: SDCC 2019三款乐高限定品公开!_拼插积木_ …
SDCC 2019圣迭戈国际动漫展将在2019年7月18日-21日举办,官方陆续公布了多款乐高限定产品。 首先SPIDER-MAN MINIFIGURE 蜘蛛侠人仔 ,这个限定人仔的设计形象出自PS4游戏机的蜘蛛侠游戏,获得方式需要在动漫展现场随机抽取资格. 同时SDCC2019乐高星球大战限定也一同发布,西斯士兵半身像,484块零件售价45美金,同时还将在在会展展出的零件多达34307块的乐高团队用时250个小时的全身像。 SDCC 2019还将推出一款《STRANGER THINGS 怪奇物语》 …
新套装/大型雕塑/活动赠品…来看看乐高2023年SDCC展位 - 酷玩 …
下面就一起走进乐高集团的2023年SDCC展位,看看展会现场拍摄的镜头画面,其中展示了一些已经公布的新套装、巨大的模型雕塑和独家的赠品。 不过近年来乐高集团都没有推出任何独家限定人仔或套装。 乐高集团与Blockbuster Video合作,在今年的圣地亚哥动漫展上打造了一个复古展位,采用了视频租赁店的蓝色和黄色色调,以体现90年代的刺猬索尼克游戏的怀旧风格的环境。 蓝色占据了乐高展位的主要颜色,展位上还展出了乐高积木拼搭的巨大索尼克雕塑。 Beyond the …