BSG for SDG | Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) for Sustainable …
'BSG for SDG' is a humble initiative by Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG) to spread greater awareness on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to encourage others to take urgent action …
In Pursuit of a Sustainable Future: Bharat Soka Gakkai’s SDG …
Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG), the Soka Gakkai organization of India, is passionate about creating a sustainable future. In this interview, Vishesh Gupta , BSG Chairperson, talks about the …
BSG For SDG - Bharat Soka Gakkai
Since the beginning of 2021, BSG has been organizing a virtual exhibition titled ‘Seeds of Hope & Action (SOHA): Making the SDGs a Reality’ every month in various schools and colleges of …
Pledge to SDGs | Sustainability Campaigns - BSG for SDG
One small step by a human being, one giant leap for entire humankind towards a sustainable new world. Participate in these SDG Campaigns by making a pledge to adopt these sustainable …
Sustainability | Bharat Soka Gakkai (BSG)
To build a sustainable age by 2030, BSG launched the ‘BSG for SDG’ initiative in 2021, with the motto: ‘Towards 2030: Achieving SDGs through Sustainable Human Behaviour.’ This initiative …
I pledge to say NO to plastic bottles and plastic bags. - BSG for SDG
To tackle this problem, BSG has launched a ‘Say NO to Plastic’ campaign which has a two-point focus: 1. Say NO to Plastic Bags. 2. Say NO to Plastic Bottles. It all begins with making a …
‘BSG for SDG’ Sustainable Newsletter | Issue 14 | November 2023
2023年11月14日 · With these important dates in mind, the theme for the November 2023 edition of the ‘SUSTAINABLE’ newsletter revolves around the vital topic of building sustainable cities. …
In this article, the authors provide the first analysis of future interactions for projected SDG trends until 2030 within and between goals, and they analyze how trade-offs and synergies have …
SGI - Extensive Efforts from BSG to Promote the SDGs in India
In July 2021, the organization introduced its BSG for SDG campaign to advocate for and achieve the SDGs under the banner “Towards 2030: Achieving SDGs through Sustainable Human …
News on Sustainability - BSG for SDG
2025年2月1日 · Explore these pages to discover news articles, interviews with subject-matter-experts, research reports, trivia, and a lot more on SDGs. Keep up-to-date with the latest …