Home - Go Goals! SDG board game
The purpose of this game is to help children understand the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Find out more about the free game here.
SDGs Games | Interactive Platform for Educational Games
At sdgsgames.com you will find the best way to learn about the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) while playing! You will discover all the details of the United Nations 2030 Agenda in a fun and entertaining way, with an easy and clear language, developed specifically for different ages and learning stages.
2030sdgsgame official
The 2030 SDGs Game is a multiplayer, in-person, card-based game that simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030. Designed in Japan in 2016, this experience has become a …
The World’s Future – A Sustainable Development Goals Game that ...
By selecting and extracting key challenges related to the successful implementation of the SDGs, a simplified model of a complex global landscape was created. The World’s Future...
2030 SDGs GAME | 2030sdgsgame
The 2030 SDGs Game is a multiplayer, in-person, card-based game that simulates taking the “real world” into the year 2030. Designed in Japan in 2016, this experience has become a powerful and impactful social phenomenon, earning extensive media coverage and reaching over 400,000 participants.
The 2030 SDGs Game is a powerful experiential game-based workshop simulating what could happen in our world in 2030. The game highlights the importance of balancing the three pillars of People, Planet and Prosperity, and invites participants to explore the mindset and actions that are required to advance sustainability.
Go Goals! boardgame for children | Global Goals
Go Goals! is an SDG board game for children. The aim of this game is to help develop the understanding of the SDGs in children, how they impact their daily lives and what they can do to help achieve the 17 goals by 2030. Designed for children aged 8-10, the game aims to be a fun and engaging way of motivating kids to actively pursue the SDGs.
The SDGame - World
SDGame is a question game to disseminate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote collective debate through a constructive “challenge” between territories.
The World's Future - A Sustainable Development Goals game
Immerse yourself in a transformative learning experience! The World’s Future can be played in person, encouraging face-to-face cooperation on complex issues, or online, enabling players …
2030SDGsGAME - Team Strategic Thinking
The 2030 SDGs Game is a 3 hour experiential simulation game, that exposes leaders to the tensions and trade-offs in achieving the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Participants explore what could happen to our world by 2030. Participants, in teams, receive a goal and take various actions to achieve that goal from now until 2030.