SDG Guide
2015年12月13日 · Learn more about SDG.guide and explore additional resources from the SDSN. Baseline Assessment, Differential Diagnosis, Multi-stakeholder Consultation, & More. Getting Started with the Sustainable Development Goals — A Guide for Stakeholders.
THE 17 GOALS - Sustainable Development
At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.
This guide is a first and preliminary guide on how to “get started” with implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It aims to help stakeholders, including gov - ernments at all...
Chapter 1: Getting to know the Sustainable Development Goals
2015年12月14日 · This agenda includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals, or SDGs, which set out quantitative objectives across the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development — all to be achieved by 2030.
Why a guide for getting started?. This is a guide on how to “get ...
2015年12月14日 · It aims to help stakeholders, including governments at all levels (national, regional, and local), to understand the SDG Agenda, to start an inclusive dialogue on SDG implementation, and to prepare SDG-based national development strategies (or align existing plans and strategies with the goals).
The SDG Compass | UN Global Compact - United Nations Global …
The SDG Compass presents five steps that assist companies in maximizing their contribution to the SDGs: understanding the SDGs, defining priorities, goal setting, integrating sustainability and reporting.
Transforming!our!world:!the!2030!Agenda!for!Sustainable!Development! + +! ! Preamble! + + This+Agenda+is+a+plan+of+action+for+people,+planet+and+prosperity.+It+also ...
SDG Compass | Department of Economic and Social Affairs
The SDG Compass guides companies in taking a strategic approach to the SDGs and enhancing their contribution to sustainable development through core business activities. The SDGs call on...
Interactive Guide to the SDGs - Monash Sustainable Development …
Interactive SDG Guide. Goal 1: No Poverty; Goal 2: Zero Hunger; Goal 3: Good Health and Well-Being; Goal 4: Quality Education; Goal 5: Gender Equality; Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy; Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities
The Human Rights Guide to the Sustainable Development Goals
Find the latest recommendations issued by international human rights monitoring mechanisms for your country. Browse more than 150,000 entries by SDG target and rights-holder group: The Human Rights Guide to the SDGs is developed by the Danish Institute for Human Rights. The Guide is provided as a free service under Creative Commons.