SDI input into Windows 10 Laptop at DVinfo.net
2018年1月1日 · Re: SDI input into Windows 10 Laptop Even if you get the flood of data from an SDI link in to your computer, you still have to have the CPU deal with processing through it in real time. I'm thinking that you would be far better off having an external dedicated physical encoder device (such as the Matrox Monarch and others) to handle this for you.
• OSD output to SDI possible. • IEEE 1394 input/ouput (stream only) recording/playback. • 8-channel audio input/output (HD SDI). • Equipped with two P2 card slots, a 3.5-inch LCD monitor and a speaker.. • Compact size, light weight and battery operation for outstanding mobility. *24p, 25p and 30p playback are also supported.
F70: No embedded audio on HD-SDI input? at DVinfo.net
2009年3月8日 · The F70 can receive embedded Audio on the SD SDI input from the MXO (via PDBK-104) F70 to F70 HDSDI test show that embedded audio input does work. so It must be something to do with the MXO 1 right?? Oh and also one of the two F70's here doesn't have the PDBK-104 board added so its got nothing to do with that. Ben.
XL H1: what SSD options are out there? at DVinfo.net
2015年10月23日 · The HD/SDI port outputs full HD at 1920x1080, and this signal is also higher quality. I believe it's 4:2:2 color space rather than 4:2:0. Since this camera could benefit from a better viewfinder, I would recommend a recorder with an SDI input connection and a screen. Convergent Design or Atomos probably sell something that will work.
2009年10月30日 · What video input and output connections are supported on nanoFlash? nanoFlash includes both HD/SD-SDI In and Out as well as HDMI In and out connections. The HD/SD-SDI connections are made via a standard BNC connector, while the HDMI I/O uses the new type C mini-HDMI connector (to save space). 7. Which video input formats are supported?
FS5 recording options at DVinfo.net
2016年10月20日 · Having the SDI input can be really convenient with older non-HDMI cameras, particularly those older cameras where the eyepieces are aging out and getting softer, plus on some newer cameras I feel like there is a little more delay in the HDMI processing than in the SDI, and thus less delay coming out of the HD-SDI.
HD-SDI input at DVinfo.net
2012年10月22日 · Re: HD-SDI input If you just need to get basic HD-SDI in, you can use something as simple as a Blackmagic Mini Recorder ($139), connected via thunderbolt. I can't say that we've heard of any build issues with the newer macbook pros, and they're great performers.
Leader Introduces LV5900 HD/4K/8K Multi-standard Waveform …
2019年7月30日 · The Leader product range includes award-winning 3G/HD/SD SDI waveform monitors and rasterising test instruments with customisable layout. Among available options are 4K/UHD, CIE colour chart, HDR measurement, test pattern generation, eye and jitter measurement and closed caption display, IP and 12G SDI.
The Watchdog’s Skinny on the Canon XH G1 & XH A1
2006年8月14日 · Like its big brother XL H1, the new XH G1 provides uncompressed SD and HD video output at 1.485Gbps over SDI (Serial Digital Interface), as well as GenLock input and Time Code input and output. The XH G1 is equipped with a single switchable BNC jack for Time Code, compared to the XL H1 which has two BNC jacks for Time Code.
SDI or BNC output to external monitor at DVinfo.net
2008年8月18日 · There's a switch on the back to go from component cable to BNC. If you've got a BNC cable going out to your monitor, then the switch needs to be in the V2 position. The V1 is for the component cable. As the above post says, there's no SDI.