Releases · Esri/arcgis-pro-sdk - GitHub
ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET can be downloaded and installed from within Visual Studio. Note: ArcGIS Pro 3.0 SDK is not an upgrade . To install ArcGIS Pro 3.0 SDK, you must use the Extensions > Manage Extensions > Online and search for it from the Visual Studio marketplace.
Get the Dart SDK
This page describes how to download the Dart SDK. The Dart SDK includes the libraries and command-line tools that you need to develop Dart command-line, server, and web apps. The Dart team supports only the latest stable release of the SDK.
Android版本 (1.0~14.0) 与API Level (SDK版本1~34) 对应表
新接触Android开发,多次遇到SDK版本与API LEVEL的对应关系,就进行了一下总结,以备后续查看。 API 是开发用的,所以 API LEVEL 可以认为是内部的;而 SDK 的 版本 提供了新特性给用户,是外部可见的。
ArcGIS Pro SDK 3.2 is Now Available - Esri Community
2023年11月9日 · ArcGIS Pro 3.2 is now available with the ArcGIS 2023 Q4 release, including many new capabilities for the ArcGIS Pro SDK for Microsoft .NET. For further highlights of this release, including access to 3D Analyst Namespace, ability to access and query Knowledge Graphs, and Arcade Expression evaluation, please look over the "What's New in ArcGIS ...
Android Studio | Android Developers
Android Studio 3.2 捆绑了 Kotlin 1.2.61,并且新的 Android SDK 可与 Kotlin 更好地集成。如需了解详情,请参阅 Android 开发者博客。 IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1.6. 核心 Android Studio IDE 已通过 2018.1.6 版本进行了更新,增加了 IntelliJ IDEA 中的相关改进。 Android Profiler
Introducing Vercel AI SDK 3.2
2024年6月18日 · With the AI SDK 3.2, we’re taking the first steps towards supporting two new use cases: embeddings and agents. We’ll continue to update the SDK so you have access to the cutting edge of model providers and a seamless development experience when building with AI. We can’t wait to see what you’ll build.
Full-SDK下载和替换教程之2023 - 文章 OpenHarmony开发者论坛
2012年3月2日 · full-SDK是提供OpenHarmony全量接口的SDK,包含了系统应用所需要的高权限API,用于厂商开发应用。 据官方文档描述,从OpenHarmony3.2Beta5版本开始,不在随版本提供full-SDK。
Dart SDK 版本过低 - CSDN博客
2024年3月10日 · 文章讲述了如何处理因DartSDK版本限制(需3.3.0及以上,但不超过4.0.0)导致的包解析失败问题,建议升级FlutterSDK至3.19.3,可通过命令行`flutterupgrade`进行自动更新。 The current Dart SDK version is 3.2.6. Because XXX requires SDK version >=3.3.0 <4.0.0, version solving failed. * Try using the Flutter SDK version: 3.19.3. 直接更新Flutter SDK,Dart SDK也就更新了。 按下win+r,输入cmd打开命令行,输入:
Android Studio 3.2 - Android Developers Blog
2018年9月24日 · Android Studio 3.2 is the best way for app developers to cut into the latest Android 9 Pie release and build the new Android App bundle. Since announcing this update of Android Studio at Google I/O '18, we have refined and polished 20+ new features and focused our efforts on improving the quality for this stable release of Android Studio 3.2.
Eclipse 3.2.1 SDK及安装汉化包(原创) - CSDN博客
2008年1月13日 · Eclipse SDK 3.2.1 是一个针对Windows平台的集成开发环境(IDE)的汉化版本,专为Java开发者设计。 Eclipse 是一款强大的开源 工具 ,广泛用于开发Java应用程序、Web应用、移动应用以及各种软件工程。