SDK Versions · Ultimaker/Cura Wiki - GitHub
Since Cura 4.0, the SDK version starting using semantic versioning, i.e. a number like 1.2.3. Below is a few examples showing which SDK versions of a plugin is considered compatible with a Cura SDK version:
Ultimaker Cura Software Development Kit
The Ultimaker Cura Software Development Kit, or SDK, is a set of functions available to developers of Cura plugins. By using just the functions in the SDK, rather than any function available in the Python code base, you can ensure more stability across Ultimaker Cura releases.
3D打印开源软件cura开发的问题? - 知乎
俄勒冈大学的Paul Dalton副教授和他的Dalton实验团队研发出一款开源的MEW(熔融电写)3D打印机。 之前该技术一直未能引起广泛关注,然而,这款3D打印机的推出将为该领域带来巨大的变革。 在当前众多的直写技术中,熔融电写技术由于设备稀缺和成本问题一直处于相对弱势的地位。 然而,这款开源3D打印机的出现预计将使这项技术更加普及,并为工业界带来更多的应用前景。 什么是熔融电写3D打印? 目前它还是是一项不太为人所知的技术,熔融电写技术是一种高分 …
GitHub - Ultimaker/Cura: 3D printer / slicing GUI built on top of …
your 3D models for your 3D printer. Ultimaker Cura is sure to lead your next project to a success. Contribute Printer Profiles? -- Please look here first. Contribute Translations? -- Please look here first.
3D打印开源软件Cura分析(1) 【转】 - 3D入魔 - 博客园
2019年4月15日 · Cura软件实际上包含两个软件:Cura与CuraEngine。 前者是图形界面程序,后者是专用于切片的后台程序,前者依赖于后者,在切片时将调用后者。 两个软件使用的编程语言与第三方库
Windows10运行Cura源代码,搭建环境教程 - 蔡子CaiZi - 博客园
2021年12月23日 · 在 cura-build-environment仓库进行了克隆,其所有项目(即所有Cura依赖像Python,QT,PyQt的,SIP等)都可使用一个CMake脚本被搭建。 构建依赖项后,会克隆 cura-build 存储库,以便安装 Cura、CuraEngine、Uranium、libCharon、fdm_materials 和 …
Running Cura from Source · Ultimaker/Cura Wiki - GitHub
2024年12月10日 · It contains third-party packages that are necessary to run Cura (e.g. PyQt, pyserial, ...) This environment is located in build/generators/cura_venv . You can activate it by executing the following command in the root directory of the Cura repository:
Cura代码编译所需的环境配置 - CSDN博客
库拉 Ultimaker Cura是最先进的切片器应用程序,用于准备3D模型以使用3D打印机进行打印。 Ultimaker Cura具有数百种设置和数百种社区管理的打印配置文件,一定会带领您的下一个
Download UltiMaker Cura
UltiMaker Cura is our free, easy-to-use 3D printing software. Cura is compatible with UltiMaker 3D printers as well as many third-party machines. Prepare your models for printing within a few clicks from the recommended print overview, or optimize your printing strategy with hundreds of …
推荐开源项目:Cura插件-设置指南 - CSDN博客
2024年6月3日 · 该插件采用Python编写,与Cura的SDK紧密集成,能够无缝插入到Cura的工作流程中。 它利用了Cura的插件系统,通过右键点击设置项或从扩展菜单中启动,用户可以轻松访问详细的解释和教程。