SDL2/SDL_JoystickGetAxis - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Get the current state of an axis control on a joystick. Defined in SDL_joystick.h. an SDL_Joystick structure containing joystick information. the axis to query; the axis indices start at index 0. …
SDL2/SDL_GameControllerAxis - SDL2 Wiki
Trigger axis values range from 0 (released) to SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX (fully pressed) when reported by SDL_GameControllerGetAxis(). Note that this is not the same range that will be …
SDL2/SDL_GameControllerGetAxis - SDL2 Wiki - Simple …
Get the current state of an axis control on a game controller. a game controller. an axis index (one of the SDL_GameControllerAxis values). (Sint16) Returns axis state (including 0) on success …
SDL/include/SDL_gamecontroller.h at master · SDL-mirror/SDL - GitHub
SDL_GameControllerHasAxis(SDL_GameController *gamecontroller, SDL_GameControllerAxis axis); * Get the current state of an axis control on a game controller. * The state is a value …
(译)SDL编程入门(19)游戏手柄和操纵杆 - 腾讯云
就像 [鼠标输入]和 [键盘输入]一样,SDL也有能力读取来自操纵杆/游戏手柄/游戏控制器的输入。 在本教程中,我们将根据操纵杆的输入使箭头旋转。
问 SDL2不能捕获控制台键盘事件? - 腾讯云
2019年12月28日 · TL;DR我试图在我自己的Ctrl+c程序中捕获键盘事件 (更具体地说,是C++命令)。 我正在尝试通过通用键盘按下SDL2。 结束TL;DR我在SO和互联网上找到了关于用SDL2 …
SDL Guide 中文译版 - DoubleLi - 博客园
2014年5月29日 · SDL 为方便制作能跨跃Linux、BSD、MacOS、Win32和BeOS平台,使用本地高性能媒体接口,并且让您可以只需使用一份源代码级API而设计。 SDL 是相当低层的API,但 …
SDL_JoyAxisEvent - Simple DirectMedia Layer
A SDL_JOYAXISMOTION event occurs when ever a user moves an axis on the joystick. The field which is the index of the joystick that reported the event and axis is the index of the axis (for a …
SDL :: View topic - PS3 Sixaxis controller
I've been trying to use a PS3 Sixaxis controller for joystick input, yet it seems that I can't get it to do more than recognize that a controller is plugged in. I've tested the controller in device …
SDL_GetGamepadAxis: Get the current state of an axis control on …
Get the current state of an axis control on a gamepad. Defined in SDL3/SDL_gamepad.h. The axis indices start at index 0. For thumbsticks, the state is a value ranging from -32768 (up/left) …