SDL2/SDL_GameControllerAxis - SDL2 Wiki
Thumbstick axis values range from SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MIN to SDL_JOYSTICK_AXIS_MAX, and are centered within ~8000 of zero, though advanced UI will allow users to set or autodetect the dead zone, which varies between controllers.
SDL/include/SDL_gamecontroller.h at master · Unity ... - GitHub
SDL_GameControllerAxis axis); * Get the current state of an axis control on a game controller. * The state is a value ranging from -32768 to 32767 (except for the triggers,
SDL3/SDL_PenAxis - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
These are the valid values for the axis field in SDL_PenAxisEvent. All axes are either normalised to 0..1 or report a (positive or negative) angle in degrees, with 0.0 representing the centre. Not all pens/backends support all axes: unsupported axes are always zero.
SDL2/SDL_JoyAxisEvent - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Joystick axis motion event structure (event.jaxis.*) Defined in SDL_events.h. All wiki content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Wiki powered by ghwikipp.
SDL_JoyAxisEvent - Simple DirectMedia Layer
A SDL_JOYAXISMOTION event occurs when ever a user moves an axis on the joystick. The field which is the index of the joystick that reported the event and axis is the index of the axis (for a more detailed explaination see the Joystick section). value is the current position of the axis.
SDL_GameControllerDB - GitHub
testcontroller (SDL3) and controllermap (SDL2) utilities are the official tools to create these mappings on all SDL supported platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, etc). In Steam's Big Picture mode, configure your gamepad.
SDL事件处理:SDL_Event结构体 - CSDN博客
2017年10月11日 · SDL Event事件循环 大多数多媒体程序依靠事件系统来处理输入。SDL为处理输入事件提供了灵活的API。本质上,SDL将来自设备(如键盘,鼠标或控制器)的输入记录为事件,将它们存储在“事件队列”中。您可以将此结构视为等待线 - 事件在线的后面排队并从线的 ...
SDL: pen: Add support for tangential pressure axis.
2024年8月11日 · Unidirectional: 0 to 1.0 */ + SDL_PEN_AXIS_TANGENTIAL_PRESSURE, /**< Pressure from squeezing the pen ("barrel pressure"). */ SDL_PEN_NUM_AXES /**< Total known pen axis types in this version of SDL.
SDL Game Controller proper way to read trigger button
2019年7月16日 · In SDL2 you can detect a trigger event under a controller axis event. If I remember correctly, you can use event.caxis.axis to tell which axis in this list the event originated from. In SDL3 the controller API is now named gamepad.
SDL3/CategoryGamepad - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
So SDL provides the gamepad API on top of the lower-level joystick functionality. The difference between a joystick and a gamepad is that a gamepad tells you where a button or axis is on the device. You don't speak to gamepads in terms of arbitrary numbers like "button 3" or "axis 2" but in standard locations: the d-pad, the shoulder buttons ...