SDL3/SDL_Color - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL_Color. A structure that represents a color as RGBA components. Header File. Defined in <SDL3/SDL_pixels.h> Syntax
SDL2/SDL_Color - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL_Color The bits of this structure can be directly reinterpreted as an integer-packed color which uses the SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32 format ( SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888 on little-endian systems and SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888 on big-endian systems).
How to initialize SDL_Color in C? - Stack Overflow
2016年6月13日 · SDL_Color color = {255, 255, 255}; You can also use a designated initializer: SDL_Color color = {.r = 255, .g = 255, .b = 255}; See the 3 ways to initialize a structure. If you want to change the value of your structure after its declaration, you have to change values member by member: SDL_Color color; color.r = 255; color.g = 255; color.b = 255;
SDL_Color - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL_Color describes a color in a format independent way. You can convert a SDL_Color to a pixel value for a certain pixel format using SDL_MapRGB.
问 如何在C中初始化SDL_Color? - 腾讯云
SDL_Color color = {.r = 255, .g = 255, .b = 255}; 见 初始化结构的3种方法 。 如果要在结构声明后更改其值,则必须按成员更改值成员:
SDL2/SDL_Palette - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
An SDL_Palette should never need to be created manually. It is automatically created when SDL allocates an SDL_PixelFormat for a surface. The colors values of an SDL_Surface 's palette can be set with SDL_SetPaletteColors ().
SDL编程入门(12)色彩调制 - CSDN博客
2020年9月20日 · 设置纹理调制就像调用 SDL_SetTextureColorMod 一样简单。 你只需传入你想调制的纹理和你想调制的颜色。 现在颜色调制是如何工作的呢? 假设你有这样的纹理: 然后你用红色255,绿色128,蓝色255来调制它。 你最终会得到这样的结果: 你可能已经注意到 SDL_SetTextureColorMod 接受 Uint8 作为颜色组件的参数。 Uint8是一个无符号的8位整数。 这意味着它可以从0到255。 128大约是0和255之间的一半,所以当你把绿色调制到128时,它会把 …
SDL_Color - SDL Library Documentation
SDL_Color describes a color in a format independent way. You can convert a SDL_Color to a pixel value for a certain pixel format using SDL_MapRGB. SDL_PixelFormat, SDL_SetColors, SDL_Palette.
SDL 画图,画点,SDL_Color转化Uint32代码 - CSDN博客
SDL_Surface结构有一个叫做color key的结构,也就是代表了你在bliting表面的时候不想予以显示的颜色,当你想使用透明表面的时候这个是灰常有用滴! 如图,小人的背景是青色的(R:0,G:FF,B:FF),那么我们现在要将小人背景透明化,则现在的c
SDL3 Example: renderer/11-color-mods - examples.libsdl.org
This example creates an SDL window and renderer, loads a texture from a .bmp file, and then draws it a few times each frame, adjusting the colors.