SDL3/FAQUsingSDL - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Why does SDL disable my screensaver by default? Many applications using SDL are games or screensavers or media players where the user is either watching something for an extended period of time or using joystick input which generally …
linux - Selecting DRI device to use with SDL2 - Stack Overflow
2023年5月16日 · How can I tell SDL2 to choose between /dev/dri/card0 and /dev/dri/card1 devices? SDL2 does not seem to have a mechanism for this, but you can control the GPU selection in the OS instead, using this MESA environment variable: DRI_PRIME. You can set it to a PCI ID, but also to a vendor:device ID, like so:
SDL2/FAQUsingSDL - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
You can set the environment variable "SDL_VIDEODRIVER" to the name of the driver you want to use. The drivers available depend on the platform and SDL compile-time options. Here is a partial list for some platforms:
Selecting DRI device. - SDL Development - Simple Directmedia …
2023年5月16日 · How do I influence SDL2 to decide which GPU to use under linux? /dev/dri/card0 versus /dev/dri/card1. I checked the source code for env vars on this: There is SDL_VIDEODRIVER but that lets me choose between wayland/x11, but not which GPU to use? It looks like this could be outside the scope of SDL?
2. SDL库的介绍与安装 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SDL库是 Simple DirectMedia Layer 的缩写,简单直接的多媒体层,不仅包括图像处理,音频处理,输入输出,还支持多线程和事件的开发,而且SDL是跨平台的。因为SDL开源性质,所以非常多的应用都是用SDL作为底层。 SDL的logo. https://www. libsdl.org/download-2.0.php 在该网站找到
SDL3 入门(0):简介和目录 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) 是一个开源跨平台开发库,设计目标是提供对音频、键盘、鼠标、操纵杆和图形硬件的低级访问,主要用于视频渲染和游戏开发。 SDL3 目前已在发布预览阶段,相比 SDL2, SDL3 提供了对各种新技术的支持,如 HDR 支持、更好了高 DPI 支持等。 API 也进行了大幅的改进提供了更多的自由度,比如可以选择图形引擎(Direct3D 、OpenGL、 Vulkan 等),又比如在 Windows 下可以实现与外部 D3D 代码的交互,这对实现高效的视频渲染是不 …
图形界面GUI相关概念GLX/Wayland/X11/DRM/DRI - CSDN博客
2023年4月28日 · 随着DRI(direct rendering infrastructure)发展,可以通过direct render方式来加速opengl命令。 后来又有DRI2(通过KMS,kernel mode-setting内核模块)替换了DRI。 再后来,linux kernel3.12出现render node直接渲染。
SDL3 入门(1):Hello, SDL3! - CSDN博客
2024年12月14日 · SDL播放声音的基本流程如下: (1)创建一个回调函数用于混合音频数据,并放入音频流; (2)设置音频参数,调用SDL_OpenAudio,打开音频设备; (3)调用SDL_PauseAudio(0),进行音频回放; (4)回放结束后,调用SDL_CloseAudio() 关闭音频设备。
GitHub - libsdl-org/SDL: Simple Directmedia Layer
Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL for short) is a cross-platform library designed to make it easy to write multi-media software, such as games and emulators. You can find the latest release and additional information at: https://www.libsdl.org/ Installation instructions and a quick introduction is available in INSTALL.md
opengl 选择要与SDL2一起使用的DRI设备 - 大数据知识库
SDL2似乎没有这样的机制,但您可以使用此梅萨环境变量来控制操作系统中的GPU选择: DRI_PRIME 您可以将其设置为PCI ID,也可以设置为vendor:device ID,如下所示:
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