A game menu system written in SDL2 using SDL_Image and SDL_ttf
A game menu system written in SDL2 using SDL_Image and SDL_ttf - albchu/SDL_Menu
Ahmed-Jedidi/sdl2-menu-example - GitHub
This project is an example of creating a simple graphical menu using SDL2, SDL2_image, and SDL2_ttf libraries. It demonstrates how to create buttons, handle mouse events, and render text in an SDL2 window.
How can I implement a main menu? - Game Development Stack …
2014年4月3日 · When the game (application) starts, push the main menu onto the stack. When a sub-menu is selected, push it onto the stack. When a "back" button is pressed, pop the top menu from the stack. When the actual game begins (scene is loaded), pop all menus.
Support for system-style menus? - SDL Development - Simple …
2017年1月26日 · For at least Windows and Mac OS X where the system has a known framework to provide menus, could there be an API to construct a menu and attach it to a window? The API could loosely wrap HMENU in Windows and NSMenu in Mac OS X.
SDL2 游戏开发日记(八) 按钮、对话框的绘制 - CSDN博客
2020年3月5日 · 在本文中,我们将学习如何使用sdl在c++中构建交互式ui组件,我们将探讨如何创建响应用户输入的动态按钮。 文章将涵盖诸如事件处理、创建自定义 按钮 类以及实现悬停和点击行为等主题。
AYDEV-FR/SDL-Menu: Mini Library for SDL Game in C - GitHub
Mini Library for SDL Game in C. Contribute to AYDEV-FR/SDL-Menu development by creating an account on GitHub.
c++ - Best Method for creating A Menu in SDL2 - Stack Overflow
2016年11月15日 · Assuming you were coding a menu for a videogame with the average three buttons, a start game button, an options button and an extras button, in c++ with SDL2, what would be the most efficient, clean or functional way to go about this?
SDL tutorial 18 - make a simple menu (part 1) - YouTube
2011年7月7日 · In this tutorial (series) we implement a very simple menu for the pong game.Source (only the new one):http://pastebin.com/Ve3CXyMeSDL is a cross-platform fre...
Making Menus with SDL - General and Gameplay Programming
2010年2月10日 · For the basics though, a typical approach is as follows: 1. Create a 'menu item' type (e.g. class or struct) with a rectangle that defines its 'active area'. 2. Associate function objects of some type (e.g. plain function pointers, function objects bound using boost::function, callbacks via an interface, etc.) with various events.
SDL3/SDLK_MENU - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
(This is the documentation for SDL3, which is the current stable version. SDL2 was the previous version!) SDLK_MENU. Please refer to SDL_Keycode for details.