SDL3/SDL_Point - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL_Point. The structure that defines a point (using integers). Header File. Defined in <SDL3/SDL_rect.h> Syntax
SDL_Point - 《SDL2 API 中文翻译》 - 极客文档 - geekdaxue.co
An SDL_Point defines single two dimensional point. It can be used not only for points, but also for size. SDL_Point is used by SDL_EnclosePoints () to check if array of points is inside rectangle (SDL_Rect). You can also make your own functions using SDL_Point to simplify your code, it’s very helpful. 一个 SDL_Point 结构定义了一个二维的点。
SDL 开发实战(三):使用 SDL 绘制基本图形 - michaelchengjl
2021年2月21日 · 我们可以使用SDL_RenderDrawLines函数绘制多条直线,下面是函数的原型: int SDL_RenderDrawLines(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const SDL_Point* points, int count) 该函数会将使用两个相邻的点之间进行连线。最终画出你想画的图形。如画三角形,多边形或圆形。 5. 绘 …
SDL2-Rect和Point | VisualGMQ的博客
2019年7月28日 · SDL_Rect和SDL_Point都是SDL中用于表示几何图像的基本元素。 让我们来深入了解一下这两个结构体吧。 SDL_Rect. Rect的内容 SDL_Rect用于表示矩形,其结构很简单,只有四个属性: 这四个属性表示了左上角点的坐标和矩形的大小。 Rect相关的函数 关于Rect的函数很多,主要用于碰撞检测的有: 还有一些计算几何的函数: SDL_Point SDL_Point用于表示点。 Point的内容 很简单,两个属性: Point的函数. A lightweight commenting system using …
在SDL2 文档官网可以查询SDL的函数和数据结构的帮助信息。 SDL2文档官网(按类别) https://wiki.libsdl.org/APIByCategory SDL2文档官网(按名称) https://wiki.libsdl.org/CategoryAPI 以下是部分函数的中文翻译. 失败。 可调用 SDL_GetError() 获取相关信息。 /* ... */...
c++ - Compare two SDL_point? - Stack Overflow
2017年5月11日 · Comparison operator overloads can be free functions, not just member functions. Just have a utility or sdl_utility header that defines the operator inline: return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y; return !(a == b); You will have to include this header in any source file that wants to use the operator.
Point in sdl2::rect - Rust - Docs.rs
Immutable point type, consisting of x and y. Creates a new point from the given coordinates. Returns a new point by shifting this point’s coordinates by the given x and y values. Returns a new point by multiplying this point’s coordinates by the given scale factor. Returns the x-coordinate of this point. Returns the y-coordinate of this point.
第一话: SDL2环境搭建与基础概念 - CSDN博客
2024年11月2日 · SDL2(Simple DirectMedia Layer 2)是一个跨平台的多媒体库。 它提供了对音频、键盘、鼠标、游戏控制器和图形硬件(通过 OpenGL、Vulkan 等)的低级访问接口,主要用于开发游戏和其他交互式多媒体应用程序。 SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)最初是为了方便游戏开发而设计的跨平台多媒体库。 它经历了多个版本的发展,SDL2在功能和性能上有了显著提升。 它旨在为开发者提供一种简单且统一的方式来访问计算机的音频、视频、输入设备等硬件资 …
2016年12月31日 · 对于粒子引擎方法,据我所知,我的选项是创建像素并使用以下两种方法呈现它们:SDL_RenderDrawPoint (s) (使用SDL_SetRenderDrawColor)SDL_RenderCopy (使用纹理与SDL_SetTextureColorMod)我不知道什么是更好的方法。 #2可能更容.
SDL2/SDL_Point - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
The structure that defines a point (integer) Defined in SDL_rect.h. All wiki content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Wiki powered by ghwikipp.
SDL 基本绘图 - Avatarx - 博客园
2020年3月10日 · int SDL_RenderDrawLines(SDL_Renderer* renderer, const SDL_Point* points, int count) 该函数会将使用两个相邻的点之间进行连线。最终画出你想画的图形。如画三角形,多边形或圆形。 5. 绘制矩形 我们可以使用SDL_RenderDrawRect函数绘制矩形,下面是函数的原型:
SDL2/SDL_FPoint - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
The structure that defines a point (floating point) Defined in SDL_rect.h. All wiki content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). Wiki powered by ghwikipp.
SDL3 入门(1):Hello, SDL3! - CSDN博客
2024年12月14日 · SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) 是一个开源跨平台开发库,设计目标是提供对音频、键盘、鼠标、操纵杆和图形硬件的低级访问,主要用于视频渲染和游戏开发。 SDL3 是最新版本。 本篇主要介绍 SDL3 开发环境搭建,第一个程序_sdl3.
SDL_Point - SDL Wiki'
An SDL_Point defines single two dimensional point. It can be used not only for points, but also for size. SDL_Point is used by SDL_EnclosePoints () to check if array of points is inside rectangle (SDL_Rect). You can also make your own functions using SDL_Point to simplify your code, it's very helpful. CategoryStruct, CategoryRect.
SDL3/SDL_PointInRect - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Determine whether a point resides inside a rectangle. the point to test. the rectangle to test. (bool) Returns true if p is contained by r, false otherwise. A point is considered part of a rectangle if both p and r are not NULL, and p 's x and y coordinates are >= to the rectangle's top left corner, and < the rectangle's x+w and y+h.
为什么SDL定义了main宏? c++ program-entry-point - Dev59
SDL需要初始化,因此它注入自己的 main 函数以在调用您的“main”函数之前运行其初始化,然后将其重命名为 SDL_main 以避免与实际的 main 函数发生冲突。如常见问题解答所述,您的 main 函数必须采用以下形式: int main(int argc, char* argv[]) -
SDL3 Example: renderer/04-points - examples.libsdl.org
*/ SDL_SetRenderDrawColor (renderer, 255, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE); /* white, full alpha */ SDL_RenderPoints (renderer, points, SDL_arraysize (points)); /* draw all the points! */ /* You can also draw single points with SDL_RenderPoint(), but it's cheaper (sometimes significantly so) to do them all at once.
SDL3/SDL_RenderPoint - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Draw a point on the current rendering target at subpixel precision. the renderer which should draw a point. the x coordinate of the point. the y coordinate of the point. (bool) Returns true on success or false on failure; call SDL_GetError () for more information. This function should only be called on the main thread.
SDL Display Control Tutorial: Advanced Graphics & Color …
2024年12月30日 · The SDL_SetWindowBrightness() function can help us set the brightness of a window or, more typically, the display that the window is on. We pass the SDL_Window pointer as the first argument, and a floating point number representing the desired brightness as …
SDL3/SDL_FPoint - SDL Wiki
SDL_FPoint. The structure that defines a point (using floating point values). Header File. Defined in <SDL3/SDL_rect.h> Syntax