sdl - Rendering multiline text with SDL_TTF - Game Development …
Don't render text directly with SDL_TTF. It's not efficient, at all. Use SDL_TTF to generate a glyph atlas, or use a tool like AngelCode BMFont. You can get glyph metrics (Width, Height, x advance, etc.) using TTF_LineSkip to find the vertical distance, and TTF_GlyphMetrics. At this point, you can render text yourself.
Problem using SDL_TTF - Game Development Stack Exchange
2017年8月6日 · I'm trying to create a 2D game, and I'm trying to use a layered drawing model. First I draw the background, then the world, then the constructs (buildings etc.), then the objects (NPC's etc.) and ...
How to use SDL_TTF's outlines - Game Development Stack Exchange
2016年4月10日 · How are we supposed to use TTF_SetFontOutline ? I know we're able to create an outline (and it looks alright) but since it's the same colour as the main font I don't see any practical usage for it. I can't find any way to set the colour separately and rendering two font instances makes it very hard to line up.
sdl2 - How to "reload" a TTF Text during runtime? - Game …
2016年3月20日 · private: bool _textUpdateNeeded; std::string text; SDL_Color textColour; SDL_Rect textPosition; TTF_Font* _font SDL_Renderer* _renderer; void updateTextTexture(); }; void MenuItem::setFont(TTF_Font* newFont) { _font = newFont; //something has changed so we flag that the text needs updating on the next //render cycle _textUpdateNeeded = true ...
SDL TTF render variable - Game Development Stack Exchange
2017年1月3日 · It's been a while since I've done any SDL but I think your problem is here: texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface); You're creating a texture and then never freeing it. If you dig into the SDL2 source code you'll find that in SDL_render.c an SDL_Texture gets allocated on the heap every time you call SDL_CreateTexture ...
sdl2 - Manual per-glyph rendering with SDL_TTF - Game …
2020年1月23日 · I'm trying to create a font atlas with SDL_TTF. My idea was to create an SDL_Surface for every character using TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended() and use TTF_GlyphMetrics() to get glyph metrics so that I can position the surface relative to a baseline. I'm struggling with a correct positioning of a glyph.
sdl - SDL2_ttf gradient - Game Development Stack Exchange
SDL_Surface* gradient = IMG_Load("blue-cian.png"); then I render the text I'm using: SDL_Surface* text = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, "Text", 30); then I want to blit the text to the gradient but only keeping the pixels inside the text not the ones surrounding it to create a texture and render it to the screen.
How to create editable SDL2 text input boxes?
2021年10月10日 · First you can use the built-in SDL_ttf function TTF_RenderText_BlendedWrapped to render your given text string (which must first be converted into a char array) into an SDL_Surface. The maxLength parameter is the maximum allowable length of the text string before it wraps around into a second line, which is useful for dynamic …
rendering - Kerning between glyphs using SDL2_ttf - Game …
2015年3月12日 · There's currently no method to retrieve the kerning for a pair of characters from SDL_ttf, However correct kerning will be applied when a string of text is rendered instead of individual glyphs. It seems that only method would be to use FreeType directly.
How to handle Japanese on Windows and Linux using SDL_ttf and …
In SDL_ttf, there are a few functions provided that handles non-ASCII string literals, such as: TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid; TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid; and etc. I'll be using only the two functions as part of my question.