SDL3/FrontPage - SDL Wiki
This is the SDL wiki. SDL's main website is libsdl.org. Getting and installing SDL. Source Code: How to download the source code to SDL. Installation: How to install SDL on your platform of choice and link your program against it. API Documentation. API by category; API quick reference; Complete API index; Other sources of information ...
SDL2/FrontPage - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL is written in C, works natively with C++, and there are bindings available for several other languages, including C# and Python. SDL 2.0 is distributed under the zlib license. This license allows you to use SDL freely in any software. This is the SDL wiki; SDL's main website is …
SDL3/Tutorials/FrontPage - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
SDL Tutorials The best place to find simple SDL3 tutorials at the moment is examples.libsdl.org , which offers small programs that each demonstrate one feature of the library. Most of the examples are 100-300 lines of C code.
SDL3/NewFeatures - SDL Wiki
Alternate surface representations for embedding HiDPI versions of images into a single SDL_Surface. The Clipboard API can support any data type (SDL2 only handled text), and apps can provide data in multiple formats upon request in a provided callback .
SDL2/APIByCategory - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
The Simple Directmedia Layer Wiki. SDL2 Wiki (See SDL3/APIByCategory for the SDL3 version.) SDL 2.0 API by Category Basics. View information and functions related to... View the header. ... All wiki content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
SDL3/BestKeyboardPractices - SDL Wiki
For this, use SDL_GetKeyName with the SDL_Keycode you get from an event: bool quit_the_app = false; while (!quit_the_app) { SDL_Event e; while (SDL_WaitEvent(&e)) { /* user has pressed a key? */ if (e.type == SDL_EVENT_KEY_DOWN) { SDL_Log( "Wow, you just pressed the %s key!" , SDL_GetKeyName(e.key.key)); } } }
SDL3/CategoryGPU - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
See the documentation for SDL_CreateGPUShader() and SDL_CreateGPUComputePipeline() for information on the expected layout. Another common issue is not setting the correct number of samplers, textures, and buffers in SDL_GPUShaderCreateInfo .
SDL2/CategoryAPI - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
The Simple Directmedia Layer Wiki. SDL2 Wiki (See SDL3/CategoryAPI for the SDL3 version.) CategoryAPI Functions. SDL_acos; SDL_AddEventWatch; SDL_AddHintCallback; SDL_AddTimer; SDL_AllocFormat; ... All wiki content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
SDL3/FAQGeneral - SDL Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Very simply, Simple DirectMedia Layer, or SDL for short, is a library that allows you low level access to a video framebuffer, audio output, mouse, keyboard, and joysticks across a wide variety of operating systems.
SDL3_mixer/QuickReference - SDL Wiki
SDL Wiki QuickReference If you want to paste this into a text editor that can't handle the fancy Unicode section headers, try using QuickReferenceNoUnicode instead.