Lazy Foo' Productions - Beginning Game Programming v2.0
2025年1月22日 · By the end of these tutorials, you'll know the basics to make your first real video game! Show images on the screen with SDL2. Handle events with SDL2. Handle keys with SDL2. Optimize your loaded surfaces and stretch them with SDL2. Use SDL extension libraries like SDL_image, SDL_ttf, and SDL_mixer to add functionality to SDL.
SDL2 Game Tutorials - parallelrealities.co.uk
2025年3月2日 · This series of tutorials focuses on creating games using SDL2. The tutorials are split into several parts, to make it easier to understand the steps involved and not to overload the reader with information from the start.
SDL2/Tutorials - SDL2 Wiki - Simple DirectMedia Layer
A playlist of beginner SDL2 tutorials, focusing on the basics for setting up a RPG 2D platformer. Also features tutorials on how to set up SDL2 on Windows and Linux. A collection of SDL2 tutorials ranging from beginner to expert level. A set of tutorials to …
Top games made with SDL - itch.io
Find games made with SDL like Battle for Wesnoth, Escape From Castle Matsumoto, Heart of the Woods, Without a Voice, OpenRA on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace
sdl2-game · GitHub Topics · GitHub
2020年6月2日 · 🎮🤖🧿 Simple 3D step-based game in C++20 using SDL2 & OpenGL, like a 3D Pac-Man. Also can run in Web browsers using Emscripten & OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0).
Helliaca/SDL2-Game: A small game project with C++ and SDL2 - GitHub
A small 2D, SDL2 Game written in C++ featuring destructive terrain, raycasts, tailphysics and more! This is what it looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upb3DJJbQIM. Only dependencies are the SDL2 and SDL2-image libraries. See here. All code was written by me and is public domain.
SDL2.0游戏开发之旅(一) 启程 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
使用SDL1.2编写的《仙剑奇侠传》开源复刻版,由 Whistler 创作,能够实现跨平台运行。 2007年,正在读大四的Whistler无意间发现了网友“palxex” 开发 的一个仙剑移植项目,很感兴趣。 由于不习惯palxex所用的 allegro库,他转而使用SDL库进行 开发。 2007年10月,他完成了仙剑的图像和音乐部分,并将代码放在palxex的Google Group里。
使用 SDL2 库开始游戏开发 - Conan 博客
2023年7月20日 · SDL2 或 Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0,是一个旨在提供对音频、键盘、鼠标、操纵杆和图形硬件的低级访问的库。 它是跨平台和移动友好的,因此有很多选择和机会可以更深入地了解使用 C++ 开发游戏的不同方面。 本教程将引导您完成设置一个基本应用程序的过程,包括键盘控制、图像和文本。 这是制作贪吃蛇或吃豆人风格游戏的坚实起点。 对于更高级的游戏,我将为您提供一些优秀的参考,以便您在设置完成后继续学习! SDL2 非常容易上手。 基本步 …
Getting started with the SDL2 library for Game Development
2023年7月20日 · SDL2, or Simple DirectMedia Layer 2.0, is a library designed to provide low-level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware. It’s cross-platform and mobile-friendly, so there are a lot of options and opportunities to dive deeper into different aspects of developing a game in C++.
AdrianParry-17/AdrianGameEngine: A simple SDL2 game library.
A basic game engine that can be use to make game. Mainly use SDL2 and other SDL library such as SDL2_image, SDL2_ttf, SDL2_gfx and SDL2 mixer.