Integrate CA Service Desk Manager with CA Embedded
Allows EEM artifact to be used when users log in to CA SDM / Knowledge Management using URL.
SDM Authentication does not work after EEM failover
1. Log into Admin UI EEM secondary server as eiamadmin. 2. Click on Configure > User Store > User Store. Ensure the icon is green. If it's not green, click on the LDAP configuration and configure using the EEM primary server as an example or another EEM server where the …
Integrate with CA EEM option is checked and greyed out
2024年11月8日 · When Service Desk Manager (SDM) tries to be upgraded from 17.3 to 17.4 by using the install media, "CA SERVICE MANAGEMMENT SD PACKAGE 17.4 FOR WINDOWS (WITH CATALOG).iso", the "Integrate with CA EEM" option under the "Configure Common Components" is turned on and grayed out despite that the …
EE_AUTHFAILED error trying to log into SDM with EEM setup
2024年5月15日 · Incorrect settings in option manager variable eiam_hostname. 1. Log into SDM as an administrator. 2. Administration > Options Manager > Security. 3. Edit the EIAM_HOSTNAME option and add the 2 EEM servers separated by a comma. EEMprimaryserver,EEMsecondaryserver. 4. Restart SDM services for the changes to take effect.
Post-Installation Tasks After Installing CA SDM 17.4
You may face issues while logging in to EEM or SDM using the EEM user accounts due to a session cache timeout mismatch between EEM and SDM. In 17.4, you can update the EEM cache timeout configuration by adding a new NX variable, "NX_EEM_CACHE_UPDATE_TIME" in …
无法登录到 EEM High Availability 环境的 CA SDM Server
无法登录到 EEM High Availability 环境的 CA SDM Server. 症状: 当两个 EEM 服务器同时停机,而我们尝试启动一个或两个 EEM 服务器时,CA SDM 用户登录无效。 解决方案: 联系 CA 在线支持 以应用修补程序并解决此问题。
2016年10月7日 · Unfortunately, SDM can only connect to one EEM server. You can associate it to a comma separated list of EEM servers for failover purposes (ex: host 1,host 2 so, if host1 is not available it'll hit up host2), but you can't configure it to search one set of users in one EEM server and if it can't find the users there that it would search another ...
CA SDM REST API - Broadcom
The CA SDM REST API lets application, integration, and web developers build UIs and applications for devices such as tablet computers and smartphones. Users such as analysts, employees, and customers can then use the UI or application on these devices.
Configure CA IT PAM Workflow Options - CA - Broadcom
When you configure CA IT PAM Workflow options, you specify connectivity between CA Service Desk Manager and CA IT PAM. If you are using CA EEM for authentication, you also specify the CA EEM host name. On the Administration Tab, select Options Manager, CA IT PAM Workflow. The Option List appears.
CA SM 17.3 RU04++ EEM-Error with xFlow-Login - Broadcom
2021年5月27日 · I noted this defect#: DE56635 (SSO authentication results in failure to login to Service Point and Bad Object error in CA EEM) in RU2, but you mentioned that the two environments exhibiting this error are on RU4 and RU6 on your two respective environments. I think you'd have to log a support case so we can check the EEM logs and xFlow ...