List of software-defined radios - Wikipedia
AFEDRI SDR [17] Pre-built Active 30 kHz – 35 MHz, 35 MHz – 1700 MHz 2.3 MHz 12 No 80 MSPS 0/2 USB 2.0, 10/100 Ethernet Yes Yes Yes AirSpy R2 [18] Pre-built Active 24 – 1700 MHz 10 MHz 12 N/A No 10 MSPS MSps ADC sampling, up to 80 MSPS for custom applications 0.5 0/1 USB Yes Yes Yes using ports none
SDR vs. RFSoC: What’s the Better Transceiver? - Electronic Design
2022年9月9日 · This article focuses on software-defined radio (SDR), radio-frequency system-on-chip (RFSoC/SoC), and digital front-end (DFE) technologies, all of which work as transceiver devices with...
RF Agile Software-Defined Radio (SDR) Transceivers
The RF agile SDR transceivers from Analog Devices operate from 30 MHz to 6000 MHz with the unique ability to handle narrow-Band 12 kHz to wideband signal bandwidths up to 40 MHz. Developed specifically for mission critical communications systems, each family member is designed to offer optimal flexibility of power consumption with high dynamic ...
射频捷变软件定义无线电 (SDR) 收发器 | Analog Devices
ADI公司的射频捷变软件定义无线电收发器的工作频率范围为 30 MHz 至 6000 MHz,具有处理 12 kHz 窄带至高达 40 MHz 的宽带信号带宽的独特能力。 专为关键任务通信系统开发,该系列的每种产品都旨在提供具有高动态范围的最佳功耗灵活性。 直接转换、高动态范围架构减轻了对频带选择滤波和中频下变频的需求。 除了高度集成之外,该系列的每种产品都集成了射频系统校准、可编程数字滤波和高级系统级功能。 ADI 公司用于关键任务通信的射频捷变软件定义无线电收发器 …
Pros/Cons of SDR Transceiver Chips in RF Designs? - NuWaves …
2016年8月8日 · For size-constrained applications with relatively limited signal power requirements, an SDR chip can be a very attractive choice. Further, these chips can be augmented by off-chip RF front-end filtering and amplification circuitry to meet spectral mask requirements and link margin goals.
国内首发,已实现量产!地芯科技最新SDR射频收发机—GC080X …
2022年11月11日 · 11月10日,杭州地芯科技有限公司(以下简称“地芯科技”)在IIC国际集成电路展览会暨研讨会上发布了国内首款支持100M超宽带、低功耗、高性能、高集成度,且支持Sub 6GHz软件无线电的SDR射频收发机芯片——GC080X系列。 销售总监王伟在IIC深圳现场宣布,地芯科技最新5G射频收发机风行系列量产供货,该系列射频收发机是地芯科技完全自主创新产品,包含十数项中美前沿专利技术,可广泛应用于几乎所有现代化数字无线通信系统,比如通用软件 …
Software Defined Radio (SDR) System on Chip - Maxentric
2023年5月29日 · The MaXSDR SoC™ is an integrated Software Defined Radio (SDR) System-on-Chip (SoC). The MaXSDR SoC™ achieves significant performance improvement over traditional SDR approaches by co-integrating a state-of-the-art RF transceiver with vast digital compute resources on a single silicon die.
Software-Defined Radio Technology - NXP Semiconductors
The result is a flexible SDR processor for V2V and V2I communication, supporting global standards, with end-of-line configurability by firmware download. The software-defined radio approach allows OEMs to deploy a global V2X platform.
软件定义的无线技术 | NXP 半导体
多标准sdr是无线电和无线连接功能迅速发展的理想驱动器。 恩智浦凭借扎实的RF-CMOS专业技术,保证提供最大灵活性和系统集成,同时确保最高水平的性能。
Building a Software-Defined Radio | DigiKey - Digi-Key Electronics
2014年2月13日 · Software-defined radio (SDR) is a complex combination of RF, data conversion, and digital signal processing. Additionally, these devices now have the performance to build cost-effective SDR systems. This article looks at how to build an SDR system, including recent open-source developments.