Quick Start Guide - RTL-SDR
2013年4月11日 · This page is a guide aimed at helping anyone set up a cheap radio scanner based on the RTL-SDR software defined radio as fast as possible on a Windows system. If you have any trouble during the installation, please see …
SDRSharpDownload - RTL-SDR
2013年5月3日 · RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and software defined radio news and projects. Also featuring Airspy, HackRF, FCD, SDRplay and more. Home. About RTL-SDR. Quick Start Guide. Featured Articles. Tutorials. Air and Marine. ADS-B Aircraft Radar. ACARS Decoding. AIS Ship Tracking. Decoding Weather Balloons. Satellite. NOAA Weather Satellites.
SDRSharp Users Guide - RTL-SDR
2018年5月8日 · SDR# is currently the most popular SDR program used with the RTL-SDR. It's easy to set up and use. To install SDR#, go through our Quickstart Guide. Below we explain some of the settings and displays in SDR#. Upon opening SDR# …
Getting Started With SDR (software defined radio): Tutorial
2021年9月11日 · In this SDR tutorial post we’ll get a SDR plugged into your Windows computer, install drivers, and start sniffing for signals.
这个指南用于帮助任何人在一台Windows计算机上以尽可能便宜和快速的方式入坑RTL-SDR。 如果你在安装的过程中遇到任何问题,请点击页面下方的 [常见问题指南]链接。 对于Linux和OSX用户,我们也提供了一份简洁的指南,请在下方的链接处获取。 请注意,RTL-SDR不是即插即用硬件,你需要一点基本的计算机技术,例如了解如何解压文件,安装软件,移动和复制文件。 RTL-SDR Blog V3 用户:请注意存在假冒伪劣产品。
2024年6月26日 · Software-defined radio (SDR) is a technique for turning a computer into a radio. But not just an AM/FM radio - by using the computing power on your desktop you can listen and decode a wide variety of broadcasts. SDR can turn your computer into a weather-band receiver, a police/fire report scanner, a music listening station, and more!
Amateur Radio SDR Setups | Beginner’s Guide to SDR
2025年1月16日 · Understand the basic components needed for an SDR setup, including a computer, antennas, and software. Explore popular SDR software options such as GNU Radio, SDRSharp, and HDSDR for different operating systems. Learn about various types of antennas that can enhance your reception and transmission capabilities.
9. 信道编码 | PySDR: A Guide to SDR and DSP using Python
在本章中,我们介绍信道编码(Channel Coding)的基础知识,包含前向纠错(Forwad Error Correction,FEC)、香农极限(Shannon Limit)、汉明码(Hamming Code)、涡轮码(Turbo Code)和低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC Code)等。 信道编码是无线通信中的一个巨大领域,是“信息论”的一个分支,信息论研究信息的量化、存储和传输。 正如我们在 噪声与分贝(dB) 章节中所学到的,无线信道是嘈杂的,我们的数字符号无法完美地到达接收器。 如果你上过网络课程, …
SDR# Quick Start Guide - atouk.com
A quick start guide to installing, and operating SDRSharp (SDR#) with RTL based DVT-B dongles.
Getting Started with SDR: A Beginner's Guide - WiMo
The ultimate SDR guide. What is SDR? Software Defined Radio is the biggest technological innovation of the last 20 years in receiver and transmitter technology. While it was initially only a special application, practically all high-quality radios are now based at least partly on SDR.
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