SDR-Kits appointed Reseller of Cross Country Wireless Active Loop Antenna . With a frequency range of 5kHz - 150MHz the Cross Country Wireless Active loop ++ Antenna provides good performance for many receivers, including the SDRPlay RSP1A, …
SDRplay RSPduo Dual Tuner 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR …
The RSPduo is a radical new addition to the range of SDRPlay's RSP SDR Receivers, featuring dual independent tuners which are both piped though a single high-speed USB 2.0 interface. A full featured 14 bit SDR Receiver, the RSPduo covers the entire RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz giving 10 MHz of spectrum visibility.
DG8SAQ VNWA 3 and 3EC Low Cost Vector 1.3 GHz Network
Due to popular demand, SDR Kits have developed the VNWA 3SE - a fully automatic 2-Port VNA. Whilst maintaining the dynamic range and specification of the original design, the VNWA 3SE also features a Solid-State 2-Port switch which eliminates the need for manual reversal of Device under Test (DUT), allowing forward and reverse S11, S12, S21 and ...
Products - SDR-Kits
SDRplay RSP1B 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver. The RSP1B is an enhanced version of the popular RSP1A powerful wideband full featured 14-bit SDR w.. £102.45 incl VAT: £122.95
Information about SDR-Kits
The first product of SDR-Kits was the highly successful QRP2000 USB Controlled Synthesizer kit using the Si570 chip, which gave the very popular Softrock SDR RXTX Transceiver kit (sold by Tony Parks KB9YIG in the USA) full and Multiband coverage from 1.8 MHz to 30 MHz.
£419.00 - SDR-Kits
Low Cost VNA DG8SAQ USB-Controlled Vector Network Analyzer by SDR-Kits. Model VNWA 3SE supplied with SDR Kits 4pcs SMA Cal Kit of Premium 12 GHZ Parts
SDRplay RSP1A 1kHz - 2000Mhz Wideband SDR Receiver - SDR-Kits
Upgraded powerful wideband full-featured 14-bit SDR which covers the RF Spectrum from 1 kHz to 2 GHz. 1kHz–2000 MHz Continuous Coverage 14-bit ADC Silicon Technology
SDRplay RSPdx-R2 1 kHz - 2000 MHz Wideband SDR Receiver
A wideband full-featured 14-bit SDR covering the entire RF Spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz, with three software selectable antenna inputs and an external clock input. The main design enhancements are: 1.
PA0KLT Low Noise VFO Synthesised Kit - SDR-Kits
Popular PA0KLT Kit of parts from SDR-Kits - includes Si570 chip according to frequency range required.
EMI-Spy 2 Kit for Locating Interference Emissions - SDR-Kits
This kit contains a circuit board with all SMD components already preassembled, there are only 15 thru-hole components to be soldered. A machined and printed enclosure is supplied, as well as four search antennas (probes).