RTL-SDR Tutorial: GPS Decoding and Plotting
2017年2月28日 · The following tutorial shows how to receive and decode GPS signals and get a coordinate on a map of your location, using only an RTL-SDR dongle (with bias tee) and GPS antenna. This tutorial is based heavily on Philip Hahn's blog post at sdrgps.blogspot.com/2015/12/first-proof-of-concept-gps-fix-in.html .
GitHub - gnss-sdr/gnss-sdr: GNSS-SDR, an open-source software …
GNSS-SDR provides interfaces for a wide range of radio frequency front-ends and raw sample file formats, generates processing outputs in standard formats, allows for the full inspection of the whole signal processing chain, and offers a framework for the development of new features.
GPS-SDR-SIM 安装与配置完全指南 - CSDN博客
2024年9月13日 · GPS-SDR-SIM 是一个由 Takuji Ebinuma 开发并遵循 MIT 许可证的软件定义GPS信号模拟器。 该工具能够生成GPS基带信号数据流,随后这些数据流可以利用如ADALM-Pluto、bladeRF、HackRF及USRP等软件定义无线电(SDR)平台转换成射频信号。 这对于测试和开发GPS接收机、研究GPS信号处理以及教学目的十分有用。 主要编程语言: C, Python (少量) 信号仿真: 项目核心在于通过软件精确计算GPS卫星的伪距和多普勒信息,从而合成GPS信号 …
追星技-GNSS-SDR使用LimeSDR实收GPS信号 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
使用Pluto SDR实现GPS定位——小小SDR也能卫星通信?-CSDN博客
2024年4月3日 · 本文详细介绍了如何使用PlutoSDR和gnss-sdr库接收GPS信号,包括硬件配置、软件安装、信号处理以及定位过程,演示了如何通过SDR技术实现精确的地理位置追踪。 你可曾想过 GPS 全球定位系统是怎么实现米级甚至厘米级的定位的? 你可曾好奇过为什么小小手机就可以连接到天上的卫星知晓自己的具体方位? 今天我来向大家展示使用Pluto SDR接收GPS信号,实现定位。 首先你需要有一个ADI公司推出的Pluto SDR,或是基于Pluto SDR固件的第三 …
Receiving and acquiring GPS positions with an RTL-SDR dongle and GPS …
2015年12月21日 · Using the RTL-SDR, GPS antenna and the decoding software he was able to get his current position to within about 5 meters of accuracy. In his blog post e.p. shows a step by step guide on how to install and use the Windows software.
Configurations - GNSS-SDR
This page describes examples of hardware setups, software configurations, and general tips for obtaining position fixes (and a collection of side data, delivered in standard formats) with GNSS-SDR. Some radio frequency front-ends have jumpers, or some other configurable mode, for antenna feeding.
GitHub - annappo/GPS-SDR-Receiver: GPS-SDR-Receiver is a …
GPS-SDR-Receiver is a Python software for real-time positioning using a low-budget USB stick (RTL-SDR) as GPS receiver. The RTL-SDR receives the radio signals of the GPS satellites on the L1 band (1575.42 MHz), digitizes them and sends the data to a …
使用SDR模拟GPS信号 - Kun’s blog
2023年3月13日 · 对于Hackrf One,需要一个生成卫星信号的gps-sdr-sim和用于发射信号的hackrf_transfer,Linux上用gcc和apt就搞定了,下面讲讲Windows上怎么办: gps-sdr-sim 可以从GitHub上获取: https://github.com/osqzss/gps-sdr-sim ,按README上说明用Visual Studio编译;
gps-sdr/gps-sdr: Open source GPS receiver based on USRP and GN3S - GitHub
Open source GPS receiver based on USRP and GN3S. Contribute to gps-sdr/gps-sdr development by creating an account on GitHub.