D2L SD State - South Dakota State University
Welcome to the South Dakota State University's Desire2Learn, D2L, Learning Management System, which provides access to all course materials. Please log in using your SDSU email and password. If you are not an SDSU User (i.e SD Extension, FRN, GPIDEA, CNE...), but have been invited to enroll in a course, follow the "Non-SDSU user login" link on ...
MyState Student portal - South Dakota State University
Welcome to SDSU's MyState Student Portal MyState is the center of electronic life for Jackrabbits. When you sign in, you'll see Jackrabbit events, how to apply for housing and parking, and your very own customizable dashboard.
Article - D2L - Logging Into or Acces...
Log in directly to D2L or Access MyState, click on Dashboard, then find the D2L card . Log in to D2L using Username: Full SDSU email address ([email protected]) Note: If you attend another Board of Regents school full time, your login will be that school's email address . Password: SDSU password
Learning Management System: D2L - South Dakota State University
D2L is the learning management system used by all South Dakota public university. Use D2L to create a personalized learning experience for your students. D2L can be used for in person, hybrid and fully online classes.
Service - D2L - South Dakota State University
SDSU Student D2L: Online and on-campus students will have a D2L account auto-generated by SDSU. This account will list all of the student's current courses. Depending on the course, the instructor can choose from a variety of features including (but not limited to) file shares, Dropbox, and a class calendar.
Welcome to my.SDSU! | my.SDSU
2024年8月12日 · my.SDSU is the portal for San Diego State University students to access financial aid, scholarships, and other university information.
Student Web Services | South Dakota State University
D2L is a portal to your online courses' (and many on-campus courses') materials. You can access course documents, quizzes, assignments, grades and discussion boards. Access D2L. Help Resources. The D2L/Brightspace help resource site covers Getting Started, Discussions, Courses, Quizzes and more. View D2L Help Guides. D2L Resources
Knowledge Base - D2L - South Dakota State University
Desire2Learn is SDSU's Learning Management System, which provides access to all course materials.
Dakota State University - MyDSU Portal
The MyDSU Portal gives you access to frequently used information and services such as Webmail, D2L, outlook calendar, campus announcements and much more, all in a one-stop portal.
Service - D2L - University of South Dakota
Desire2Learn (D2L) is USD’s learning management system which is used to offer all of the online courses. It is utilized by The University of South Dakota and the five other South Dakota Board of Regents universities.