sE Electronics sE7 vs Rode M5; Read before you buy! - THR
2021年3月11日 · The sE7 and the M5 are two very similar small diaphragm condenser microphones that compete in both price and sound quality, with the sE7 having a couple additional features. In this article, I will be comparing the two, giving you a complete overview of their features, or lack thereof, and at the end I will give you my opinion on which one you ...
sE Electronics sE7 vs. Rode M5 - Gearspace
2020年7月9日 · The sE7 has the 80Hz HPF and -20dB pad as well as lower noise, but the M5 has the flatter frequency response curve. I was also looking the Lewitt LCT 040 and Audio-Technica AT2021, but none stand out to me.
sE Electronics sE7 Review / Test (vs. C2, sE8, M5, KM184)
HQ Audio Of Review: https://podcastage.com/rev/se7Today i review the sE Electronics sE7, a small diaphragm condenser which offers a nice low end, neutral mid...
Help choosing SDC for hats and ride: sE7 vs M5 vs LCT 040
2021年7月29日 · Looks like I've ended up making up my own mind and I think I am going to try out the SE Electronics sE7 matched pair for hat and ride spot mics (which I barely use as it is). They are small, affordable for the application, have a pad switch and lo-cut, and most importantly of all, they are touted to have a smooth high end and don't lack low end ...
SDC Recommendation? sE7 vs. Rode M5 vs. Line CM4 - Gearspace
2020年12月8日 · Looking for some recommendations for a matched pair of SDC mics for acoustic instrument recording in a lightly-treated room (not a studio). Looks like the top contenders are the sE7, the Rode M5, and the Line Audio CM4. Anyone with hands-on experience who can recommend one pair over the others?
Comparing sE Electronics SE7 vs RODE M5 - B&H Photo Video
Comparing sE Electronics SE7 vs RODE M5 . Print Email . sE Electronics sE7 Small-Diaphragm Condenser Microphone . You Pay: $119.00. Add to Cart View Cart. Add to Wish List Item in Wish List . RODE M5 Compact 1/2" Condenser Microphone (Matched Pair) You Pay: $199.00 (26) Add to Cart View Cart.
问界 新M5 - 赛力斯华为联合设计
问界新M5 全系搭载华为高阶智能驾驶系统,包含智驾领航辅助(NCA)、车道巡航辅助(LCC)、车道巡航辅助增强(LCC Plus)、全向防碰撞系统(CAS)、智能泊车辅助(APA)、遥控泊车辅助(RPA)、代客泊车辅助(AVP)、哨兵模式等功能。 智能驾驶辅助能力与车型配置相关,仅为辅助驾驶目的,驾驶员需时刻保持对车辆的主动控制,详情请咨询客服或门店工作人员。 部分高阶智驾功能需付费开通,如城区智驾领航辅助(City NCA)、城区车道巡航辅助增 …
全新BMW M5:详情-BMW中国-BMW M5价格-BMW M5图片 - 宝 …
搭载4.4升M专属高性能V8双涡轮增压发动机和高性能电机组成的M混合动力驱动系统,全新BMW M5以强劲动力直抵性能巅峰。 赛道灵魂与日常驾驶相融合,尽释天性。 源自BMW M Hybrid V8赛车的Hybrid V8驱动系统,集成M专属高性能V8双涡轮增压发动机与势若雷霆的电机系统,展现出色的全域加速能力,综合输出功率可达535千瓦/727马力,最大综合扭矩达1000牛米,以强劲组合,尽释雷霆快意。 自适应M运动悬架兼顾性能与舒适性,每根减震器均可在最短时间内独立调 …
sE Electronics sE7 Review / Test — Bandrew Scott
2023年8月1日 · Today i review the sE Electronics sE7, a small diaphragm condenser which offers a nice low end, neutral mids and a lifted top end which gives you some liveliness but it's not overdone. Like most SDCs it doesn't do great with plosives, …
SE Electronics SE5 - Sound On Sound
SE Electronics' new SE5 is a cardioid-pattern microphone, intended as a general-purpose instrument mic suitable for both studio and live work. According to SE, it improves on the performance of the popular SE4 microphone, but remains very affordable.
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